
Overactive Bladder Syndrome - Calculator

Developed by Medindia Content Team | Calculator Reviewed by Dr. Sunil Shroff, MBBS, MS, FRCS (UK), D. Urol (Lond) on Jan 27, 2025
Do you suffer from frequent urination or urinary leaks? Is your life compromised because of your condition? If yes, do not worry; help is within reach.

You may have an overactive bladder, a condition with treatable symptoms. To begin with, please check the box that best describes your condition. This is an anonymous self-test.

Over-active Bladder - Calculator

Gender : Male Female
Age :
Ethnicity :
1. How much does frequent urination during the day bother you?
A little bit
More than little
A great deal
2. How much does feeling an uncomfortable urge to urinate affect you?
A little bit
More than little
A great deal
3. How much does having a sudden need to urinate with little or no warning bother you?
A little bit
More than little
A great deal
4. How much does accidentally leaking a small amount of urine bother you?
A little bit
More than little
A great deal
5. How much does waking up at night to urinate disrupt your sleep?
A little bit
More than little
A great deal
6. How much does feeling a strong, uncontrollable need to urinate affect you?
A little bit
More than little
A great deal
7. How much does losing urine when you feel a strong need to urinate affects you?
A little bit
More than little
A great deal
8. Urine loss associated with strong desire to urinate
A little bit
More than little
A great deal


Overactive Bladder Syndrome (OAB)

Overactive urinary bladder syndrome is a condition where a person feels a sudden, strong need to urinate, often needing to go to the bathroom frequently, including waking up at night to urinate.

This may or may not lead to accidental urine leaks , and it happens without any infection or other clear medical problem causing it. Overactive bladder affects approximately 12-16% of adults worldwide. It is more common in older adults but can occur at any age (1).

What are the Symptoms of Overactive Bladder Syndrome?

The symptoms of overactive bladder syndrome include

  • Frequent urination: Feeling the need to urinate many times during the day, often more than eight times in 24 hours.
  • Nocturia : Waking up two or more times at night to urinate.
  • Urgency incontinence: A sudden, strong urinary urgency that can cause accidental leaking of urine.
  • Leaking urine: Unintended urine leakage, often after a sudden urge to urinate.
  • Feeling incomplete emptying: Feeling like you need to go again shortly after just using the bathroom.
  • Experiencing a sudden urge to urinate when changing positions, hearing running water, or other stimuli (2).

Causes and Diagnosis of Overactive Bladder Syndrome

Causes and Risk Factors


A healthcare provider may:
  1. Take a detailed medical history and perform a physical exam.
  2. Conduct a urinalysis to check for infections or other medical problems.
  3. Recommend specialized tests, such as:

Overactive Bladder Treatment

Managing overactive bladder syndrome often requires a combination of lifestyle changes, behavioral therapies, medications, and, in some cases, advanced medical interventions.

Lifestyle and Behavioral Changes

  1. Bladder Training or urge suppression technique is used to increase bladder capacity and control the urge to urinate.

    Method: Start with a scheduled interval (e.g., every 30 minutes) and gradually increase it. Delay urination for a few minutes when the urge strikes and slowly extend the delay period over time. Relaxation techniques like deep breathing help suppress the urge.
  2. Pelvic floor muscle exercises (Kegel Exercises) help to strengthen muscles that control urination. Consult a physical therapist specializing in pelvic floor rehabilitation for proper technique.

    Method: Contract pelvic muscles as if trying to stop urine flow, hold for 5-10 seconds, then relax. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions daily.
  3. Fluid and Dietary Management

    Avoid bladder irritants like caffeine (coffee, tea, energy drinks), alcohol, carbonated beverages , spicy and acidic foods.

    Stay hydrated, but avoid large quantities before bedtime.

    Losing excess weight reduces abdominal pressure on the bladder, improving symptoms.

Overactive Bladder Medication

  • Anticholinergics (e.g., oxybutynin, tolterodine) relax the bladder muscle and inhibit involuntary bladder contraction.
  • Beta-3 adrenergic agonists (e.g., mirabegron) reduce bladder contractions and relax the bladder muscles to increase bladder capacity.
  • OnabotulinumtoxinA (Botox) is injected directly into the bladder muscle to prevent overactivity. It has a temporary effect and typically requires repeated injections every 6-12 months (4).

Neuromodulation Therapies

  1. Sacral Neuromodulation (InterStim): A small device is implanted under the skin to send electrical impulses to the sacral nerves controlling the bladder. This reduces urge incontinence and frequency.
  2. Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS): A thin needle is inserted near the ankle to stimulate the tibial nerve, affecting bladder function. Typically requires weekly sessions for 12 weeks, followed by maintenance therapy.
Surgical treatment is indicated in severe overactive bladder syndromes only.



1.  How long can the bladder comfortably hold urine?

The bladder can typically hold about 300-500 milliliters of urine and most people can hold it for 3-5 hours before feeling the urge to urinate. However, the bladder�s ability to "hold" urine varies from person to person.

The sensation of needing to urinate occurs when the bladder fills to around 200-300 ml. Overfilling or holding urine too long can lead to discomfort or bladder issues, so it�s important to urinate regularly (5).

2. Does an overactive bladder affect men and women differently?

Yes, overactive bladder affects both men and women, but the causes are different. In women, it�s often related to pregnancy, childbirth, or menopause, while in men, an enlarged prostate is a common cause. Women may also be more likely to experience incontinence as part of overactive bladder syndrome (6).

3. Which vitamin helps in overactive bladder syndrome?

Vitamin D is considered the most beneficial for overactive bladder. It helps strengthen pelvic and bladder muscles, supporting better bladder control. Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to an increased risk of pelvic floor disorders and urinary incontinence (7) .

4. Are there any natural remedies for overactive bladder?

Yes, there are several natural remedies that some people find helpful for managing overactive bladder symptoms. Some natural remedies, like pumpkin seed extract, magnesium supplements, and acupuncture , are sometimes used to support bladder health.

However, it's important to remember that natural remedies should be used in combination with, not as a substitute for, conventional medical treatments (8).

5. Does an overactive bladder ever resolve on its own?

No, an Overactive bladder does not typically go away on its own, but its symptoms can be managed and reduced . While some people may experience periods where their symptoms improve or stabilize, overactive bladder is often a chronic condition that requires ongoing management. Early intervention and consistent treatment can help control the condition and prevent it from worsening over time (9).

6. Should I limit my water intake if I have an overactive bladder?

If you have an overactive bladder (OAB), it�s important to maintain a balance with your water intake. While staying hydrated is essential for overall health, drinking too much water, especially in a short period, can increase the frequency of urination and worsen symptoms of OAB.

On the other hand, drinking too little water can lead to bladder irritation and urinary tract infections . It's best to drink a moderate amount of water throughout the day, aiming for about 6-8 cups (1.5-2 liters), but avoid excessive fluid intake in the evening to reduce nocturia (waking up to urinate at night) (10).

7. Can bananas stop frequent urination?

Yes, bananas may help reduce frequent urination for some people due to their mild diuretic effect and high potassium content, which can help regulate fluid balance in the body. Additionally, bananas are gentle on the bladder and can provide relief from irritation. However, they are not a cure for frequent urination. Bananas, apples , grapes, coconut, and watermelon are good options for those with overactive bladder (11).

8. Can corn silk be an effective remedy for overactive bladder syndrome?

Corn silk is traditionally used in herbal medicine to soothe the urinary tract and reduce inflammation , which may help alleviate symptoms of overactive bladder (OAB) like urgency and frequency. Corn silk may help relax the bladder, reduce irritation, and decrease bladder spasms due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It can be consumed as a tea (made from dried corn silk) or in capsule or extract form, with corn silk tea being made by boiling the threads in water 12).

  • 1. Overactive bladder
  • 2. Overactive Bladder
  • 3. Overactive Bladder
  • 4. Bladder control: Medications for urinary problems
  • 5. How long is it safe to hold your urine?
  • 6. Gender differences in overactive bladder
  • 7. Vitamin D Supplements and Prevalent Overactive Bladder in Women from Mid-life through Older Ages
    ( )
  • 8. Is Pumpkin Seed The Secret To Stopping Bladder Leaks?
    ( )
  • 9. Overactive Bladder (OAB)
  • 10. Is it Safe to Reduce Water Intake in the Overactive Bladder Population? A Systematic Review
  • 11. The Overactive Bladder Diet
    ( )
  • 12. Can You Eat Corn Silk? 4 Health Benefits of Corn Silk

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roy-ellis - May 21, 2024

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Consult Urologists Online

Dr. Sunil Shroff
Dr. Sunil Shroff
MBBS, FRCS, Dip. Urology, MS
36 years experience
Madras Medical Mission Hospital, Mogappair
+ 1 more
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Dr. Arun Kumar Balakrishnan
Dr. Arun Kumar  Balakrishnan
29 years experience
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Dr. Aristotile B
12 years experience
Best Homeo Clinic - No. 1 Homeopathy Clinic in Tamilnadu, pavazhakundur
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