Test your child for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD by using our calculator. ADHD is considered to be a modern day plague by some clinicians as it is the fastest growing diagnosis given to children and teens. Awareness is important for diagnosis of �Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder� or ADHD. It is best if the mother provides all the answers to the questions. If she is not available the father can answer the questions.
The calculator will predict the probability of the condition and the need to see a specialist to help the child. Please read the instructions before using the calculator -
Read each question carefully � The questions are related to your child�s behavior when they are between six and 10 years.
� If the child is older, you should reflect back and try to answer the questions to your best knowledge.
� Rate the problem by selecting the correct box.
Recommended Readings on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Explore what causes teen stress and discover practical tips to overcome it. Gain insights and use tools to help teens manage and reduce stress
Online Depression Screening Test tells if you have mild or chronic depression based on your depression symptoms. Learn how to deal with depression by using this self-assessment calculator.
Are you anxious to know your anxiety level? Use Medindia's Anxiety Screening Test, a simple online screening test for anxiety symptoms.
Several adults suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) but its symptoms are often mistaken for those of stress.
Interactive section of Medindia provides information about chemistry of Brain depression
It is difficult to distinguish between the myths and facts where autism is concerned. Test your knowledge on the facts of autism with this ...
Dyslexia is a reading disability that occurs when the brain does not properly recognize and process certain symbols.
Being inattentive may not be a sign of disobedience, but may be a symptom of ADHD. Read more to understand why your child is unusually fidgety.
This scoring system is used to identify babies at risk for complications or bad outcome from delivery during the early minutes of their life and determine if any medical intervention is needed immediately.
Medindia offers a milestone chart for the growing child, by which we can determine the activities of the baby at various stages of the growth.
The height and weight calculator is a useful tool to ascertain the ideal height and weight of the children according to age and gender.
Nutritional Assessment Calculator helps to find out if you child is undernourished or malnourished.
Evaluation, diagnosis and recommendations for accommodations [extra time on standardized tests SAT ACT LSAT GRE GMAT MCAT] and special education and related services (reading support, organizational support) for students with learning and or attention disorders. Students, elementary through graduate school, served from across the country.