ABO and Rh Blood group calculator shows what could be the possible blood group or blood type of a child, given the blood groups of biological parents.
A Word of Caution: This calculator should
NOT be used for
Paternity testing. Sometimes blood grouping inheritance can be flawed due to mutations and give false conclusions and for these reasons we caution all readers to view this calculator and use it only as a predictive tool.
Blood Group Discovery: The discovery of A, B, O and combination blood groups (
Blood Group � Animation) by Dr. Karl Landsteiner made it possible to determine a person�s blood group based on a characteristic of specific substances on the surface of red blood cells.
Blood Group Classification
The two most important classifications to describe blood groups in humans are ABO and the Rhesus factor (Rh factor)(
Knowledge of one's blood group is important for medical reasons. In case of blood transfusion, it is critical that a person gets the same or compatible blood type. When describing the Blood type the Rh +ve or -ve is written as O+ve or AB+ve or O-ve or AB-ve(
What is Rh factor?
The Rh blood group system is based on whether or not a person has a protein called the Rh factor on the surface of red blood cells (RBCs). This protein was first found in rhesus monkeys, which is why it's called "Rh." Not all people have the Rh factor on their RBC. Those who have this factor are said to be Rh-positive (Rh+) or D-antigen positive and those who do not, are said to be Rh-negative (Rh�).
Why is Rh factor important in Pregnancy?
The Rh type is important in Pregnancy because, Rh incompatibility that happens when the mother's blood group is Rh negative and her baby�s blood group in the womb is Rh positive. This mismatch can harm the fetus and cause pregnancy related complications(
3✔). An Rh� mother can conceive an Rh+ fetus, if the father is Rh+.
During delivery, the fetal RBC may enter the maternal circulation due to leakage and this can result in the immune system of the mother generating antibodies against the fetal Rh factor-bearing RBCs.
The firstborn is usually spared since the maternal antibodies are formed only after delivery.
If the mother again becomes pregnant with an Rh+ fetus, her
antibodies can cross the placenta and attack the fetal RBCs, thereby causing
severe hemolytic anemia. The fetal bone marrow reacts to the hemolytic anemia by releasing immature RBCs called erythroblasts into the fetal peripheral circulation, causing
erythroblastosis fetalis.
In this condition, the baby�s bone marrow releases immature RBCs to compensate for the loss.
Should Blood Group be used for Paternity Testing?
As it was mentioned previously the answer is NO. Both ABO and Rh blood grouping systems for determination of paternity are not conclusive and at best can only be used as predictive tools. Blood grouping are known to be affected by mutations and can give false conclusions.
Blood group inheritance is influenced by multiple genetic factors, and there are rare cases where unexpected results can occur due to mutations or uncommon blood types.
If your child's blood group does not match with your expectations, please do not suspect your partner. If you require further evidence of Paternity, we suggest you contact an accredited medical diagnostic lab. Genetic testing is generally conclusive for paternity testing. Many labs provide this service in most cities.
Inherited DNA Markers for paternity Testing
Since biblical times, the focus of paternity testing has generally been on alleged fathers who are falsely accused. Major advances for paternity testing occurred between 1940 and 1970 with the discovery of blood group and Rh system and the application of HLA typing to paternity studies. New technology with the use of genetic probes has helped further by identifying inherited DNA markers (
1. How does the Blood Group Calculator make the prediction?
A Blood Group Calculator is a tool that helps predict the possible blood type of a child based on the blood types of the parents. It works by using the principles of genetics, specifically the inheritance of the ABO blood group system and the Rh factor.
2. How does a Blood Group Calculator work?
It uses the known blood types of both parents to calculate the likelihood of different blood groups in their offspring. The tool applies the rules of inheritance for the ABO blood type and the Rh factor.
3. What blood groups can the calculator predict?
The calculator can predict the following blood groups: A, B, AB, and O, as well as the Rh factor (positive or negative). It offers the probability for each possible blood group combination in a child.
4. What information do I need to use the Blood Group Calculator?
You need to input the blood group of the parents, including their ABO blood type (A, B, AB, or O) and their Rh factor (positive or negative) to calculate the child�s possible blood group.
5. If Blood Group Calculator cannot be relied for paternity determination, which test should be used?
A Blood Group Calculator only provides probabilities of possible blood types, not certainties. Paternity testing requires a more precise method, such as DNA testing, which analyzes specific genetic markers that can conclusively establish biological relationships. Relying on blood type inheritance for paternity can lead to incorrect assumptions, as several people may share the same blood group. Therefore, DNA testing is the gold standard for accurate paternity determination (5✔).
6. Why is it important to know your blood group?
Knowing your blood group is essential for medical reasons, such as in cases of emergency requiring blood transfusions, organ transplants, or certain medical conditions where blood type compatibility is crucial (6✔).
7. Is the Blood Group Calculator accurate?
The Blood Group Calculator uses genetic inheritance rules, so it�s used for predicting possible blood groups, but it�s NOT definitive.
8. What is the Rh factor, and why does it matter in blood group calculations?
The Rh factor determines whether your blood is Rh positive or Rh negative. It�s important in blood group inheritance because the Rh status can affect pregnancy, where Rh incompatibility between the mother and fetus can lead to complications (7✔).
9. Which two blood groups cannot marry?
While any blood groups can marry, Rh incompatibility, such as an Rh-negative woman and an Rh-positive man, can lead to complications in pregnancy.
10. Which blood group is best?
There is no "best" blood group, but O-negative is often considered valuable because it is a universal donor type.
11. Which blood group attracts mosquitoes?
Studies suggest that Type O blood tends to attract more mosquitoes compared to other blood types. This is likely due to the specific chemicals secreted by people with Type O blood.
12. What blood type is allergic to peanuts?
There is no scientific link between blood type and peanut allergies. Peanut allergies are caused by immune system responses and are not related to a person's blood type.
13. Does blood type affect hair growth?
No, blood type does not affect hair growth. Hair growth is influenced by genetics, hormones, and other factors, but not by a person's blood type.
Recommended Readings on Blood Group
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Slide animation providing comprehensive explanation about Blood Groups, Blood Typing and Blood Donation.
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Try this calculator that will give in 3 simple steps the probable blood type (group) for the father when the child's (Son/Daughter) blood type and the mother's blood type are known.
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If parents are RH - than child's will be only RH - ? If Mother is RH-, and Father is RH than what Rh will be in child?