Breast cancer is a cancer in which abnormal cells in the breast proliferate uncontrollably to form a mass of tissue called tumor.�Breast cancer cells enter the blood and lymphatic capillaries and are carried to other parts of the body(
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What Is Breast Cancer?
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Types of Breast Cancer -
Two types of breast cancer include ductal carcinoma (originates in the milk duct), the most common type, and lobular carcinoma (starts in the breast lobules/milk glands)(
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Certain breast cancer treatments include chemotherapy, radiotherapy, lumpectomy, and mastectomy(
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Diabetes as a Risk Factor for Breast Cancer.
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Do you know breast cancer can be treated and cured completely if detected early? Nearly 269,000 breast cancer patients die in low-income and middle-income countries due to late diagnosis.
Screening and Diagnostics for Breast Cancer -
As increasing age is the major risk factor for breast cancer, all women aged 40 years or more must take mammography every 1-2 years. Mammograms can be of 2 types � Screening and Diagnostic. Breast cancer screening is used for women with no signs or symptoms of breast cancer and can detect breast calcifications(
4✔ ✔Trusted Source
What Is a Mammogram?
Go to source). Diagnostic mammography is used for women experiencing breast pain, lumps, and other signs of breast cancer or to assess the result obtained from a screening mammogram(
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Breast cancer: Diagnosis
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Check out Breast Cancer Risk Assessment for Next 5 years & over lifetime.
This is a great resource for anyone looking to assess their risk for breast cancer. It's important to be aware of potential health risks and this calculator is a great tool to help do just that.