Color blindness, an inherited condition often happens when someone cannot distinguish certain colors like red, green and rarely blue. Strangely, some people are color blind but don�t know it. Everyone says leaves are green, so they think that the color they see in leaves is green. But their eyes show them a red color. Confusing isn�t it? That�s how difficult it is for those who are color blind.
If you�re color blind, your day-to-day life may get affected by color blindness. You may have difficulty driving in traffic, reading signal lights, buying fruits and vegetables and the color of your clothes will attract attention for the wrong reasons! Medindia�s Color Blindness Calculator will help identify people in the world seeing very limited colors in the visible spectrum.
Color blindness or Color Vision Deficiency is not a form of blindness, but a decreased ability to see different colors. Scientist John Dalton, writer Mark Twain, actors Paul Newman and Eddie Redmayne and former US President Bill Clinton all reported having problems with colors. Wondering why there are no women on this list? It�s because this condition is prevalent more among men than women.
Medindia�s Color Blindness Calculator/Color Blindness Self-Assessment test is a screening assessment tool based on Ishihara chart, a simple and most prominent tool to diagnose color blindness. This chart was designed by the great Japanese ophthalmologist Dr. Shinobu Ishihara in the year 1917. This calculator acts as the initial step in indicating whether you have color blindness and suggests the need to consult an ophthalmologist.
❖ | Sit approximately 75 cm from your computer monitor |
❖ | Turn off if any color filters that is attached to your monitor |
❖ | Remove any color-filtering eyewear (sunglasses, tinted lenses) |
❖ | If you wear glasses or contact lenses, you should continue to wear them during the exam |
❖ | About 8% of all men and 0.5% of all women are suffering from color blindness |
❖ | Red-green color deficiency is the most common form of color blindness |
❖ | If a woman is red-green colorblind, all her sons will also be colorblind |
❖ | About 99% of all colorblind people are suffering from red-green color blindness |
❖ | Some people get rejected from a job assignment because of their color vision deficiency |
❖ | There is no treatment or cure for color blindness |
❖ | Average person can distinguish about 100 hues (shades), whereas someone who is strongly colorblind can identify only 20 hues |
❖ | Excess alcohol consumption may lead to blue-yellow color deficiency |