A side effect typically denotes an unintended symptom arising during treatment with medication, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter (OTC) products, or herbal supplements. It�s important to distinguish side effects from adverse effects; though both are unintended, side effects can be either harmful or beneficial, whereas adverse effects are always harmful and undesirable.
Common side effects to medication include skin rashes, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, and drowsiness. Medindia's side effects calculator is designed to list all potential side effects of a medication, aiming to cultivate awareness and equip individuals with the knowledge needed to take pre-emptive actions if necessary.
Never hesitate to discuss with the doctor or the pharmacist if you are experiencing any unusual symptom or reaction to a medication.
As a first step you could also check the information leaflet provided in the drug label. You could also speak to you healthcare professional about the steps you need to take in reducing the risk of side effects.
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