Intercourse Calculator�helps you to determine the approximate number of times you have performed the act of sexual intercourse throughout your life. This calculator works best if you are in a committed relationship. Please note that if you have experienced interruptions or breaks in your relationships, the calculated average may not accurately reflect your overall sexual activity.
This calculator is based on the data published by Piccinino, Mosher and others(
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Trends in contraceptive use in the United States: 1982-1995
Go to source) and these calculations are world average and may vary from country to country. The accuracy of the predictions are within reasonable margins of error.
Recommended Readings on Intercourse
Read on for the different kinds of relationship problems and top tips and advice to help your relationship flourish and grow.
Sex drive can be increased by foods that increase estrogen and testosterone levels, produce nitric oxide, help reduce stress and create better blood flow.
Worried about your sexual performance? Use this anonymous self-assessment screening test to calculate your impotence score and find out if you need to consult an expert doctor. Impotence affects approx. 40% of men who are 40.
Are you curious to know how your sexual intercourse performance compares to others - use our calculator to find out.
Prostitution has broadened its base to include street prostitution, massage brothels, gigolo outcall services, strip clubs, lap dancing, phone sex, child prostitution and sex tourism.
Premature ejaculation is ejaculation that occurs before either of the partners is ready for it.
Sex is fun but involves health risks such as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs or unplanned pregnancy specially in those who have multiple partners or in those having unprotected sex.
Want that perfect orgasm read our top ten tips on how to prolong the ejaculation time.
Orgasm is defined as a culmination of a series of changes in the body during sexual intercourse, accompanied by pleasure of the highest intensity
Sexual deviance includes a range of abnormal sexual expression from fetishism, cross dressing, sexual sadomasochism to pedophilia, incest and rape at the extreme end of the continuum.
Must read bedroom tips for men on how to give your women an orgasm, relieve her headaches or make her pregnant
Animation on how to use Female condom and its advantages.
Dr. Radu BalaneanBMedSci, MClinPscychol, MMedSc, Clin. Psychol. Psychother, PhD, MSc, EFS-ESSM Certified Psyco-Sexologist (ECPS), Sexologist
42 years experience
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for both premature ejaculation and ed problems, i know some people are using prolargentsize capsules. and they say it helps.