
Pregnancy Calorie Intake Calculator

Are you pregnant and feeling hungry, dizzy, confused, breathless? Do you sweat profusely and look pale? Some or all these symptoms could indicate that your energy level is low because your calorie intake is not enough for you and the baby inside you. Medindia�s Pregnancy Calorie Intake Calculator is a unique tool that helps to determine the recommended calorie level for pregnant women, indicating how much calories you require during pregnancy in each trimester.

Calorie rich foods supply the energy required to keep you feeling healthy during your pregnancy and also help establish essential building blocks of weight, growth and overall health for your baby in the womb.

Gaining a healthy amount of weight may help you have a more comfortable pregnancy and easy childbirth. A healthy, nutrient-rich diet during pregnancy ensures the health of both mother and child with fewer pregnancy complications such as backaches, constipation, high blood pressure and diabetes.

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Pregnancy Diet Facts

  • Eating a diet of grains, dairy, fish and meat products, fruits/vegetables and healthy fats and oils should add up to your calories. Limiting processed foods, sugars and extra fats can help you attain your healthy weight goals.
  • The recommended weight gain is 25-35 pounds (11-16 Kg) for women who had normal weight before pregnancy with a BMI of 18.5-24.9.
  • The recommended weight gain is 28-40 pounds (12-19 Kg) for women who were underweight pre-pregnancy with a BMI of less than 18.5.
  • The recommended weight gain is 15-25 pounds (6-12 Kg) for women who were already overweight before pregnancy with a BMI of 25-29.
  • The recommended weight gain is 11-20 pounds (4-10 Kg) for women who are obese with a pre-pregnancy BMI of 30 or more.
  • Weight that you gain during pregnancy is split and adds up to your Baby (4 Kg), Placenta (0-2 Kg), Amniotic fluid (0-2 Kg), Breast tissue (0-2 Kg), Blood supply (2 Kg), Fat stores (2-4 Kg), Uterus growth (0-2 Kg).

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Gayathri777, India - Jun 23, 2023

3500 Calories per day is the recommended calorie requirement for women having twins.

vaishali9524, India - Jun 23, 2023

How many extra calories/day needed for twin pregnancy?

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