Pregnancy is indeed a magical milestone in your life. The Pregnancy Due Date Calculator is essentially a dual-function calculator designed for expecting mothers. This resourceful tool not only estimates the due date of your unborn child but also calculates the number of weeks into your pregnancy you will be on any future date(
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Length of human pregnancy and contributors to its natural variation
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A typical pregnancy usually spans about 280 days, equivalent to 40 weeks, starting from the first day of your last menstrual period. This calculator uses this standard gestational period to provide you with an estimated timeline. A preterm or premature baby is delivered before 37 weeks of your pregnancy(
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Preterm Labor
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Get started by selecting the first day of your last menstrual cycle to know(
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Go to source) and get the following results:
Date of conception
First Trimester (Date of finishing three months)
Second Trimester (Date of finishing six months)
Estimated date of delivery of the baby
Top Ten Interesting Facts about Pregnancy
- 200 million pregnancies happen each year and 40% are unintended and of these some are unwanted(4✔ ✔Trusted Source
Go to source). - In 2020, over 2,87,000 women died worldwide during and after pregnancy and delivery(5✔ ✔Trusted Source
Maternal Mortality
Go to source). - In the United States in 2021, 1,205 women died of maternity causes(6✔ ✔Trusted Source
Maternal mortality rates in the United States, 2021
Go to source). - 1 in 289 newborns is born with teeth, which are referred to as natal teeth(7✔ ✔Trusted Source
Worldwide prevalence of natal and neonatal teeth: Systematic review and meta-analysis
Go to source). - At the global level, there were 6.7 million incident cases of Ectopic Pregnancy in 2019 which is when the fetus develops outside of the uterus. The number of cases in 2019 was 0.1% lower than in 1990(8✔ ✔Trusted Source
Global burden and trends of ectopic pregnancy: An observational trend study from 1990 to 2019
Go to source). - The longest recorded pregnancy was 375 days(9✔ ✔Trusted Source
The Mahabharata and reproductive endocrinology
Go to source). - During pregnancy, the uterus can significantly enlarge. It is around the size of an orange during the first trimester. It develops to the size of a watermelon by the third trimester(10✔ ✔Trusted Source
Physiology, Pregnancy.
Go to source). - Small amounts of milk can be secreted by�week 16 gestation(11✔ ✔Trusted Source
Physiology, Lactation
Go to source). - A developing baby can recognize their mother's voice within the womb by the third trimester(12✔ ✔Trusted Source
Fetal Behavioural Responses to Maternal Voice and Touch
Go to source). - As a woman's age increases, her chances of conceiving within a year decline due to the effects of aging on the ovary and eggs. Here are the probabilities(13✔ ✔Trusted Source
Knowledge about the impact of age on fertility: a brief review.
Go to source) - Women younger than 30 have an 85% chance of conceiving within 1 year.
- At the age of 30, there is a 75% chance of conceiving within the first 12 months.
- This chance declines to 66% at the age of 35.
- At the age of 40, the chance further decreases to 44%.
Remember, each pregnancy is unique, and the calculator provides an estimate based on averages. Always consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice concerning your pregnancy.
Mary Mason said ~ "
A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years, and in your heart until the day you die."
Recommended Readings on Pregnancy Due Date
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Pregnancy is probably one of the most common medical conditions that is surrounded by myths and false beliefs. Here is a quiz that would help you in separating pregnancy myths from the ...
Period or Menstrual Cycle Calculator informs you of expected date of next 3 menstrual periods and helps find if you have missed your period. Use this tool to plan special occasions and track ovulation.
There is a general belief that a pregnant woman should eat for two people. How far is this true? This compilation of information, presented in the quiz, will tell you ...
Interactive section of Medindia gives details regarding Female reproductive system showing how the sperm fetilize the eggs
Interactive section of Medindia gives details regarding Pregnancy
In-depth guide for expecting mothers to overcome health complications related to early or late pregnancy. Anemia, urinary infection, diabetes, premature labor to name a few.
A miscarriage (spontaneous abortion) is the spontaneous loss of a fetus before the 20th week of pregnancy.
Pregnant women should pay special attention to their diet. The diet before and during pregnancy should be rich in calories, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
Pregnancy is a significant period in a woman's life, marking her momentous journey into motherhood. During the dynamic 9 months of her pregnancy, immense changes take place in her mind and body, as the fetus takes shape into a full-grown baby.
Detailed look at Early pregnancy Symptoms and easy health solutions during 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. With an addition of an online pregnancy due date calculator.
Multiple Pregnancy Calculator assesses your pregnancy symptoms and finds if you are pregnant with twins or triplets or more. Multiple Pregnancy Calculator offers tips for pregnant women.
Calculate your weight gain during pregnancy and find out the ideal weight gain limit for your month of pregnancy.
Are you pregnant? Use Medindia's simple and useful calculator to find out whether you are pregnant or not.
I took my ist TT vaccination on 16april2022 at 6 week 6 day. Is it too early ? Is there any issues regarding early TT vaccination? When I will have next dose? I have 7.6 yr old baby boy too after that now my second pregnancy. Kindly help me out with this question.