Prevalence of Severity of Prostate Symptoms
The displayed statistics is based on the data collected from the Prostate Self-Assessment Test. The graphs do not necessarily reflect the true prevalence or incidence of the medical condition in a particular ethnicity and age group. The purpose of this data is for the users to compare their risk with others in the same ethnicity and age group. The categories that have insignificant data are not represented in the graphs.
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I am feeling some time uneasiness and some what dryness in tongue if i take anything for eating or sleeping a while will calm down. what it is and is it a symptom of any disease. I am worried i want to take care before it became chronic. I am sedentary person walking or exercise is nil. if i go up by staircase i have serious up and down in my breathing and it will take some times to calm down. please suggest me what should i do to come up these uneasiness.
Ameen Saturday, October 22, 2011
it wakes me up at nights. but because of sleepy mood, i feel lazy to pass urine and again sleep without passing. more over i find that a foul smell is smelt while passing urin. kindly let me know the reasons and kindly suggest what need to be done.
sudheermutyal Thursday, January 20, 2011