Do you know how many canines and molars are present in your mouth? Use this application to find more about various types of teeth and their functions. The teeth chart also indicates the location of teeth in the oral cavity.
- Use of alcohol and drugs like marijuana, ecstasy, amphetamines, methamphetamines and heroin leads to loss of tooth and dry mouth
- Chewing sugar free gums helps stimulate saliva and prevents tooth decay
- Having a piece of cheese after consuming sweets or acidic foods helps in preventing tooth decay
- Maintaining a constant low level of fluoride in the oral cavity can prevent dental cavities
- Globally, about 30% of people aged 65�74 have no natural teeth
- We have 32 permanent teeth, arranged in pairs in the upper and lower jaws.
- A tooth has two parts - crown and root. Crown stays above the gum while the root stays below the gum line.
- The hard white covering of the tooth is enamel, hardest material of the body.
- Plaque forming bacteria produce an acid, which erodes the enamel and leads to cavities.
- Wisdom tooth is a third molar which appears in early teens or late twenties.
Recommended Readings on Teeth Types & Function
Wisdom teeth are also known as the third molars usually appear in late adolescence or early adulthood, between the ages of 17 and 25 years, can cause a range of problems that needs medical attention.
Good oral hygiene habits should be maintained as you age so as to prevent oral health problems and to have a healthy smile that looks great even during old age.
Gum recession or receding gums is a gum disease due to periodontitis. It causes loose teeth, bleeding gums and other dental problems.
A tooth abscess is not just painful but it also increases the risk of various complications. To avoid tooth loss and irreversible damage take steps to prevent and treat dental abscesses.
Gum disease is caused by plaque which is the sticky film of bacteria on the teeth. Gum disease can cause tooth loss because its symptoms are often painless and go unnoticed. Poor oral hygiene is responsible for plaque formation and consequent gum ...
Are you planning to get some braces fitted for your teeth? You can test if you know enough about them by taking this ...
Teething occurs when the tooth comes through a baby''s gums. It can be a frustrating time for babies and their parents. Knowing about teething and how to make it a little less painful can help them.
Dental braces are dental devices used to align and straighten teeth. Dental devices are placed by an orthodontist.
Tongue tie, also known as ankyloglossia, is a congenital disorder that can affects a variety of functions from speech to feeding. Signs of tongue tie include lisping, difficulty in breast feeding.
Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJD) is a condition associated with symptoms such as pain in the jaw joint. Causes, risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment of joint dysfunction are explained in detail.
Initiating dental care at an early age can prevent tooth decay in children and also helps maintain overall oral health throughout life.
Want to get whiter teeth? Food with high acid content and stains like cola, tea and sauces can make your teeth look yellow. Check this list to keep your pearly whites healthy and attractive.
Ever wondered what the right way to floss your teeth is. Find out from this animation that provides you with step by step instructions.
Are you going to have root canal treatment? Refer to this cartoon display that uses slide animation along with text to simplify its complexity.
A simple but graphic slide animation that shows you how a tooth is extracted by a dentist under local anesthesia.
A quick and simple First Aid guide on how to administer treatment for Tooth Ache
Did you know that you could flash a wide smile with sparkling white teeth without spending a fortune on dental cosmetics! Follow the simple tips to have the natural sparkling smile.
Mineral Chart (Recommended Mineral Intake Calculator) calculates the recommended dietary allowance of various minerals and helps you know their deficiency symptoms, functions and sources.
Looseness of teeth is caused by a disease of the periodontium and includes the tissues surrounding the teeth.
Bleeding gums is a condition in which blood leaks from the gums and the spaces between the teeth. Gingivitis and periodontitis are the causes of bleeding gums which result in pain and swollen gums.
Tooth discoloration or staining is caused commonly due to smoking, some medicines and poor dental hygiene.
it is very informative information about teeth and it function.i really like it.thank for sharing.