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sunil, India There are many comments on this issue of duration of sex. Medindia has some natural remedies worth trying. Type erectile dysfunction home remedies in search box of medindia to get more info - In order of preference - first three a must others are optional additions as some patients have found benefit. Also add a multi- vitamin with minerals at breakfast for a month or two with Zinc as a mineral in it. Zevit or Zincovit once daily is one such medication. - There is no substitute to Exercise - this helps with underlying problems of erectile dysfunction. Regular exercise will help you in a number of ways such as reducing stress, weight loss and increasing blood flow in the body - Regular intake of milk along with two tablespoons of grated carrot at night before going to bed say at 9 PM you should try. - Dried fruits such as dates, raisins, pistachios, apricots, prunes and almonds are sources of potassium and sodium. Try daily a small snack - A mixture of powdered walnuts and honey are natural remedy that proves to be an effective decoction to tide over erectile problems. Take a spoonful of this mixture thrice a day followed by a cup of milk. - Pomegranate has antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, potassium and niacin that are essential for a healthy sexual life. Drinking pomegranate juice proves to be effective against erectile dysfunction. - Foods rich in zinc such as turkey, chicken, peanuts, wholegrain products, yogurt, beef, lamb and so on help in boosting the production of testosterone and enhance sperm mobility. - Drumstick has certain aphrodisiac properties that are effective for treating problems like premature ejaculation, thin semen problem and other sexual problems. - Watermelon has citrulline content that helps to relax blood vessels and promote the flow of blood to the penis. Cut the outer skin of the watermelon in small pieces and run through a juicer and drink the juice, this is an effective way to fight erectile dysfunction. - Vitamin E promotes good blood flow and circulation within the body. Foods high in zinc namely spinach, broccoli, mango, peanuts and almonds can help fight erectile dysfunction. Medindia Doctor
sunil - India7/21/2024
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I have been reading about erectile dysfunction since a along time, this article is fabulous and a great help to people suffering. According to my knowledge their is a pill called sildenafil cidrate which has proven to be really effective you can get cheap sildenafil citrate easily.
marily - India12/4/2022
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For last few months, I am unable to erect the penis. Even if I do make it hard, it wont even last for few seconds. I am really worried, please help me out, and suggest solution for this problem.
ali.masoom - India4/1/2022
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Dear Sir,

I have found this website very useful. It provides A to Z information on health. Every health conscious person must view this website.

Yours faithfully,

Chandravadan B. Shah Bhuj (Gujarat)
CHANDRA333 - India6/4/2022
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Hi, I have discoursed many years ago and that time I found that penis was not so erected after entering in my partner, I am a bit shy and did not consult this with any one, please suggest what to do? I am just 23 years old
RAJIN - India3/11/2022
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For last two months, I am unable to erect the penis. Even if I do make it hard, it wont even last for few seconds. I am really worried, please help me out, and suggest solution for this problem. I am diabetic
vijay1964 - India2/28/2022
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ketanvakil - India12/2/2022
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I can recommend a reputable pharmacy (Viagra) - I received the order and it was on time and the pills work great.
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Frank4343 - Russian Federation10/21/2022
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