Do you need to convert the kilograms to pounds or stones or vice- versa? The weight conversion calculator can easily do any such conversion. A useful online utility that saves your time.
Recommended Readings on Weight Conversion
Obesity infographic includes all the significant facts you need to know about obesity which is a serious growing problem among developing countries.
Use this unit calculator to discover the distance you have covered during your morning walk, in miles or in kilometers.
A unit calculator that helps to convert your body temperature from one unit to another.
Gallons, litres and pints are one too many for the common man. Use this smart unit conversion calculator for volume and find out how one unit can be converted to another.
Know your body frame type for your height using the Frame Size Calculator.
Calculate the ideal weight for your height and your body frame using Medindia's precise height and weight by body frame for adults.
The height and weight calculator is a useful tool to ascertain the ideal height and weight of the children according to age and gender.
Calculate the ideal weight of your baby with Medindia's Infant weight calculator.
Calculate the ideal body weight for adults easily with Medindia's Ideal Body Weight Calculator.
The BMI calculator helps you assess your weight indicating if it is normal or if you are underweight or overweight, based on your height.