Calories in Indian Food
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The wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings; let food be your medicine: Hippocrates
Indian range of common food grains consist of cereal grains, whole grams and legumes, greens, root tubers, fruits, spices, nuts
and oil seeds, fish and fish products, milk and milk products and other flesh. These are significant contributors to the daily
requirements of minerals like iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, sodium and potassium and essential vitamins like Vitamin A, B, C and
D and also fiber essential for a healthy and strong body.
In India, food symbolizes ethnic culture and identity, which had
motivated people to innovate extensively with food sources like grains, cereals, greens and meat. Hence Indian cuisine varies from
region to region, reflecting the diverse cultures in the subcontinent making it a unique blend of various cuisines across Asia
and has also influenced cuisines across the world.
Cereal Grains and Products
Pulse and Legumes
Leafy Vegetables
Roots and Tubers
Other Vegetables
Nuts and Oil Seeds
Condiments and Spices
Fishes and Other Sea Foods
Other Flesh Foods
Fatty Acids
Milk and Milk Products
Fats and Edible Oils
Meat and Poultry
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