
Future Generali Insurance Company Ltd - Accident Suraksha

Accident Suraksha - Scope of Cover

The plan covers the risks of:-

  • Accidental Death
  • Permanent Total Disablement
  • Permanent Partial Disability
  • Temporary Total Disablement

Additional Benefit

  • Child Education Support: In the event a claim for Accidental Death or Permanent Total Disablement, a specific sum insured as per the plan opted is paid towards your children’s education benefit till the 21st birthday of your child. This benefit shall be provided to your first and second child whose names are mentioned in the proposal form.
  • Life Support Benefit: In the event of Permanent Total Disablement, We will also make payment towards your life support the sum insured as mentioned against this benefit in the Schedule.
  • Life Support Benefit: In the event of Permanent Total Disablement, We will also make payment towards your life support the sum insured as mentioned against this benefit in the Schedule.
  • Hospital Cash Allowance: Daily Cash benefit as per the plan and Sum Insured opted will be indemnified in case of hospitalization extending 24 hrs.
  • Loan Protector: Policy pays payment of Actual EMI to the maximum specified as per the benefit plan following Accidental Death, Permanent Total Disablement or Accidental Hospitalization extending above one month for the completed months of hospitalization subject to the benefit opted.
  • Repatriation Benefit and Funeral Expenses: In the event of Accidental Death the expenses incurred for Repatriation and Funeral will be reimbursed as per the policy schedule.
  • Adaptation Allowance: In event of a Permanent Total Disablement we shall reimburse up to a limit of 10% of the Sum Insured subject to a maximum of Rs.50, 000 provided we have paid the claim towards Permanent Total Disablement.
  • Family Transportation Allowance: Following an accidental injury which results in Death, Permanent Total or Permanent Partial Disablement, we shall reimburse the expenses incurred for the immediate family member for transportation. The maximum amount payable for this cover shall be limited to 10% of the Principal Sum Insured subject to maximum Rs.50,000/-.

Main Exclusions

  • Any existing disablement prior to the inception of the policy
  • Suicide, attempted suicide
  • Serving in military, armed forces
  • Under the influence of drugs, alcohol and other intoxicants
  • Participation in felony, riots, war etc.
  • Exposure to nuclear, radioactive materials
  • Loss due to child birth or pregnancy

Sum Insured

The sum insured is based on the monthly income and the occupation.



Based on age, occupation (class), sum insured & benefits opted. Premium inclusive of service tax as applicable.

Age Group- for Self & Spouse -21 yr. to 70 yr.

Children – 1yr to 21 yr.

Occupation considered is Class I and II

Occupational Classes

Class I:

Accountants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, Consulting Engineers, Teachers, Bankers, Persons engaged in administrative functions, Persons primarily engaged in occupations of similar hazard.

Class II:

Builders, Contractors and Engineers engaged in superintending functions only. Veterinary Doctors, paid drivers of motor cars and light motor vehicles and persons engaged in occupations of similar hazard and not engaged in manual labour.

All persons engaged in manual labour (Except those falling under Group III) Cash Carrying Employees, Garage and Motor Mechanics, Machine Operators, Drivers of trucks or lorries and other heavy vehicles, Professional Athletics and Sportsmen, Woodworking Machinists and persons engaged in occupations of similar hazard.

Class III:

Persons Working in underground mines, explosives, magazines, workers involved in electrical installation with high tension supply, Jockeys, Circus personnel, Persons engaged in activities like racing on wheels or horseback, big game hunting, mountaineering, winter sports, skiing, ice hockey, ballooning, hand gliding, river rafting, polo and persons engaged in occupations/activities of similar hazard.











