
Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited - Heartbeat - Family First – Gold

Heartbeat - Family First – Gold

In-patient Care (Hospitalization)

Max Bupa covers cost of medical treatment when you or your insured family members are hospitalized for treatment.

Pre & Post Hospitalization Medical Expenses

Max Bupa shall reimburse medical expenses incurred due to illness. The period of the treatment, which Max Bupa will cover, should be 30 days before you get admitted to a hospital and 60 days after you get discharged from the Hospital, This is subject to Max Bupa accepting an Inpatient Care hospitalization claim.

All Day Care Treatment Covered

Max Bupa covers all day care Treatments, not a select few. However, such a procedure should not be in the outpatient department of a hospital.

Maternity Benefits

This benefit is available to an adult female covered in the plan, after three continuous premiums have been paid.


Newborn Baby

Your newborn baby will be covered as an insured person from birth without any additional premium. This is till the next renewal and will be applicable only if Max Bupa has paid the Maternity claim

Vaccination Cover

Max Bupa shall also cover vaccination expenses of the new born baby till the end of the policy year in which the baby is born and extend the vaccination expense cover till the baby completes one year, This expense is covered only if Max Bupa has accepted the baby as an insured person on renewal immediately after the baby’s delivery.

2 year Policy Tenure Option

You can choose to opt for 2 year policy tenure and avail discount.

Any Age enrollment

Max Bupa covers every member of your family, irrespective of their age. i.e. from a new born child to senior citizens. There is no minimum or maximum age for enrollments.


Health Relationship Program

You are eligible for Health Relationship Program if the Policy is renewed with us without any break. Under this program you may opt for any one of the following options:

  • Increase in your Sum Insured– You will get 10% additional Sum Insured each policy year of expiring base Sum Insured. Also, the additional sum insured can be accumulated upto 50% of current base sum insured.
  • Earn and Redeem - You can earn points worth 10% of your last paid annual premium after you renew your policy and these points can be redeemed on the Max Bupa website for various health and lifestyle products and services.

Please note that if you select option ‘a’, you cannot go back to option ‘b’ in the next year.

Free Annual Health Check-Up

You are eligible to undergo Health check up and diagnostics at no extra premium. It shall be arranged for you with empanelled service providers.


Tax Benefit

You can save tax under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act when you buy a Max Bupa Health Insurance policy. Tax benefits are subject to changes in the tax laws, please consult your tax advisor for more details.

Direct Claim Settlement

Max Bupa settles your claims directly, without any third party involvement. Because in times of crisis you should concentrate only on your health rather than chasing a ‘third party’ for settlement of your claims.

Assured Policy Renewal for Life

Max Bupa assures you renewability for life. The premium does not increase even if you make a claim in the previous year. The premium is based only on your age and city of residence, rather than your claim history.

Organ Transplant

Medical expenses for an organ donor’s treatment for harvesting of the organ are covered

Cashless Facility

Cashless approval within 4 hours: Max Bupa provides cashless approval within 4 hours, at a network of quality hospitals.

Domiciliary Treatment

In case a bed in the hospital is unavailable or the patient has been advised treatment at home by the attending medical practitioner Max Bupa will pay for this medical treatment, which is taken at home.

Emergency Ambulance

Max Bupa covers costs incurred towards Emergency Ambulance. The expenses are paid once an In-patient claim has been accepted.

Free Look Period

Max Bupa endeavors for transparency and complete satisfaction and therefore, policies are simple and easy to understand. Yet if you are still not satisfied, Max Bupa provides a 15 day free look period within which you can cancel your plan by simply stating the reason.











