7 Tips to Prevent Nose Bleeds in Summer

7 Tips to Prevent Nose Bleeds in Summer

Overview on Nose Bleeds

Nose-bleeds, also known as epistaxis (bleeding due to damage of blood vessels in your nose), are a common problem affecting many people. Nasal bleeding isn’t a sign of anything serious most of the time and occurs easily due to the location of your nose and the rich network of blood vessels inside it.

Nose-bleeds usually happen in summers and are less common in winters. This mostly occurs in summer when the minute blood capillaries burst due to hot air or picking at the dry mucus inside the nose. They most commonly occur in kids between the age of 2 and 10 years and adults between 50 and 80 years of age.

What are the Reasons for Frequent Nose-bleeds During Summer?

Summers are usually dry and hence bad for your nose. The delicate protective layer within the nasal cavity turns dry due to low humidity in the hot weather, resulting in nose-bleeds. Also, the summer heat tends to increase episodes of allergy, which are known to cause excessive nose-bleeds.

7 Preventive Tips for Nose Bleeding During Summer

1. Keep the inside part of your nose moist as dryness can cause nose-bleeds.

Nasal saline sprays or other lubricating ointments/gels like a petroleum jelly are useful to promote tissue healing and keep the nasal cavity moist.

2. Use a humidifier at home to maintain hydration and avoid using cold and allergy medications too often. These can dry out your nose.

3. Avoid smoking as it can irritate the inside of your nose and dry it out.

4. Don’t pick your nose too often as well as don’t blow or rub it too hard. Trim your child’s fingernails short and discourage children from picking their nose.

5. Cover your head with a cap or a stole when outdoors. Also cover your nose with a handkerchief or a cotton cloth to avoid hot air drying the insides of the nose. Washing your nose with cool water and avoiding being in direct sunlight for too long may help to prevent nose bleeding during summer.

6. Steam inhalation can work wonders in preventing nose bleeding. When you take steam, it moistens and protects the nasal cavity as well as reduces nasal irritation thus avoiding any bleeding.

7. No hot liquids for at least 24 hours.

Preventive tips for Nose Bleeds During Summer

Home Remedies for Nose Bleeding in Summer

Here are some home remedies to avoid nose bleeds this summer:

  • Vinegar:Pour in some vinegar on a cotton ball or a piece of cloth and insert it gently into your nose for some time until the bleeding stops.
  • Ice pack : Rub ice against your nose to reduce swelling in the blood vessels and control bleeding as well as relieve pain.
  • Foods containing vitamin C (guavas, kale, mustard, parsley, lemons, oranges, strawberries and lemons): Make sure to take a good amount of Vitamin C in your diet as it helps in blood clotting and will stop nose bleeding faster.
  • Whole-wheat bread: Wheat contains Zinc, which protects the blood vessels in the body.
  • Drink water: Drink plenty of liquids like fruit juices to prevent your nose from drying out during summers.
  • Baking soda: Mix some amount of baking soda into water and transfer the solution into a spray bottle and spray into your nostrils.
  • Right posture: Another way to quickly stop a nose bleed is to sit relaxed in an ease chair with your head higher than the level of your heart.
Home Remedies for Nose Bleeding in Summer

By taking precautions it is easy to prevent nasal bleeding, especially in individuals who are at a high risk. Being stress-free by opting for meditation can also strengthen the local nasal blood vessels and prevent bleeding. Also, the key factor for causing nose bleeding in summer is dryness; therefore find ways to keep yourself hydrated always.

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