
Does Yoga help you grow Taller?

Does Yoga help you grow Taller?

"You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was." Old Irish saying

The modern mantra will not accept that 'anything is impossible' and people will readily go to any length to make it possible. How many of us yearn for that extra 2 inches that would make us look eligible to be a model or an actor or improve our rating in the marriage market. Whatever the reason, people are smart enough to opt for natural methods before taking extreme measures like taking drugs or opting for surgical correction.


Yoga and Exercise

Yoga is a way of life that originated in ancient India and was perfected by its practitioners down the ages. The yogic discipline meant a practice of righteous living and mind-body exercises that promoted physical, mental and spiritual health in an individual.

Yoga is one very effective exercise – when done correctly and diligently can fetch noticeable results. Yoga Asanas or exercises are credited with making a person more aware of one’s body, mind and the environment. Yoga can have an overall effect of cleansing the body as well as improve a person’s mental faculties. This sort of exercise will more than directly increase the height of a person. It will definitely improve the suppleness and health of all the organs and joints and cleanse the body of toxins which will in turn, promote the growth of healthy cells and hormones.

Yoga help you grow Taller

Yoga Asanas and Height

There are some asanas which do help in increasing height, but some of these postures are difficult and can harm and cause pain if they are not performed correctly. It is always better to do them under guidance of a yoga teacher or follow a step by step demo in a CD with the help of a family member present during the exercise

For those who know yoga there are some asanas that will strengthen their back and spine, which in turn corrects and straightens the posture of a person without actually increasing the height. The bones cannot be lengthened with yoga - this can be done only by surgical procedures. What yoga can do is increase blood circulation, clear the digestive system of toxins and give a boost to energy levels. This increases the fluid in disks of the spinal column and in turn strengthens the cartilage in the spinal column


Two very simple Yoga exercises to Increase Height

Lie on a mat, on you back. Wait until you are completely relaxed. Lift both your feet and raise them from the knees. Cross the legs – the right foot towards your left and the left foot towards your right – stretch till you feel a pull but not too much. Alternate sides and repeat at least 10 times.

Lie flat on your stomach and raise both your legs to knee level. Now keeping your stomach and torso flat on the floor raise your arms and shoulders back to grasp your feet. Release and slowly come back to position. Rest for 30 counts and repeat. Do this at least 6 times.


Yoga increases your Growth Hormone or HGH

Practicing 'Pranayama' which is a deep controlled breathing strategy is very beneficial. When the human mind is relaxed and stress-free it will increase the production of Human Growth Hormone or HGH. The best ways to reduce stress is do deep breathing exercises and meditation.

Grow as you Laugh

"Seven days without laughter makes one weak." Mort Walker

Laughter according to Dr Bernie Siegel has numerous healing powers and is also the best medicine for generating Human Growth Hormone. Anyone who shared a hearty laugh with another in times of stress will agree that laughter is the best medicine. With laughter, as with other good things in life, too much is not enough.

What do you feel – is it better to laugh your way to good health, though not breathing the same air as giraffes?

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