
Improving Auditory and Visual Memory

Improving Auditory and Visual Memory

These are the exercises that improve the visual memory and auditory memory. Auditory perception and Visual Perception are two key perceptual components in daily life and thus their improvement augments the memory. Example of an audio memory is flooding of some old memories which surface when we hear a piece of sound/song etc. These exercises help us to retain more information in simple, precise ways.

  • Reciting: Recite action rhymes, songs and jingles. Use the actions to aid the recall of key learning points.
  • Recall simple sequences: Simple sequences from personal experiences and events can be shared with the group.
  • Recall verbal messages: Listen to a variety of verbal messages. Verbal messages containing one or two elements and requiring a yes or no reply should be recalled.
  • Instructions: Listen to the instructions given. Recall and repeat task instructions containing one and more elements.
  • Drawing: Listen to a story sequence. Draw the story sequences from memory.
  • Draw a time sequence: Draw a flow chart of the main events in the story.
  • Complete the picture: Look at a simple picture. Replace the picture by incomplete drawing of the same picture. Now complete the picture from memory.
  • What's missing?: Two similar pictures are shown. The missing information from one of the pictures is asked to identify.
  • Kim's game: Place some everyday objects on a table. Show these for about a minute, then cover them. See how many of the items can be recalled. This can also be played by taking one object away and asking to identify the object that is missing.
  • What happens next?: Complete pictorial action sequences related to everyday situations.

Thus, these are some of the exercises that can be easily incorporated in daily routine in order to enhance the memory. Hence, memory improvement is not a work or miracle; instead it is work of brain. Keep using brain, keep it fairly active to manage and optimize memory.

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