Green Blood Therapy

Benefits of Green Blood Therapy: Wheatgrass for Wellness


Exciting news for those looking to supercharge their health! There’s a natural solution packed with nutrients that can rejuvenate your body and energize your daily routine. Imagine a simple, plant-based addition that not only detoxifies but also boosts vitality, giving you that extra edge for a healthier, more vibrant life!

What is Green Blood Therapy?

Green Blood Therapy is the use of wheat grass juice to cure diseases. Wheatgrass is called as the 'reen blood'.

Wheatgrass refers to the young grass of the common wheat plant, Triticum aestivum which is freshly juiced or dried into powder for consumption. Packed with chlorophyll, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and enzymes, it is a powerhouse of nourishment(1 Trusted Source
Wheatgrass: Green Blood can Help to Fight Cancer

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Green Blood Therapy

Key Benefits of Green Blood Therapy

Three major benefits of this plant are:

  • Blood purification,
  • Liver detoxification and
  • Colon cleansing

The green pigment, chlorophyll that plays a critical role in photosynthesis increases the blood’s oxygen content. Wheatgrass contains 70 percent chlorophyll. Therefore, wheatgrass like all green plants, due to a high content of chlorophyll is high in oxygen too. The brain and all body tissues function at optimal levels only in a highly-oxygenated environment.

It’s the chlorophyll, most wheatgrass advocates claim, that detoxifies the body, strengthens immunity and improves the micro-flora ecology of the digestive tract.


Health Benefits of Chlorophyll

The benefits of chlorophyll known till date are as follows:

  • Is the basis of all plant life
  • Is a blood builder
  • Oxygenates the blood
  • Is antibacterial in nature
  • Has healing properties
  • Neutralizes toxins in the body
  • Is alkalizing in nature
  • Improves blood sugar problems

Chlorophyll also called as 'concentrated sun power' positively impacts the function of the heart, the vascular system, the intestines, the uterus and the lungs.


According to Dr. Bircher, a research scientist, nature uses chlorophyll in wheatgrass as a body cleanser, re-builder and neutralizer of toxins. The pH value of human blood and wheatgrass is about 7 (alkaline) and is therefore quickly absorbed in the blood and is highly beneficial. Most wonder effects exerted by wheatgrass can mainly be attributed to the benefits of chlorophyll(2 Trusted Source
Enhancing Health Benefits through Chlorophylls and Chlorophyll-Rich Agro-Food: A Comprehensive Review

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Despite the above-postulated benefits of chlorophyll, some researchers present a slightly different school of thought. Dr. Chris Reynolds, an Australia-based doctor who is popularly known as 'Dr. Wheatgrass,' describes in his findings that he’s had tremendous success over the last 18 long years by having his patients take a chlorophyll-free wheatgrass sprout extract. He therefore questions the claims of chlorophyll being the ultimate compound behind the healing properties of wheatgrass.

According to Chris Reynolds "Although, chlorophyll is essential for keeping us all breathing, it has little if any physiological or positive effect on human health. The benefits of wheatgrass are largely biological (cancer prevention, detoxification and healing), not nutritional as most purveyors of wheatgrass in its various forms would have one believe."

Irrespective of two different findings, whether it’s the chlorophyll or the wheatgrass, consuming the juice daily still remains the wisest choice for preserving health. With all the extensive research and experiences shared by health experts, wheatgrass undoubtedly is a true superfood.

Latest Publications and Research on Benefits of Green Blood Therapy: Wheatgrass for Wellness
