How to Battle Boredom during COVID

How to Battle Boredom during COVID

What is Meant by Boredom during COVID?

Boredom refers to a sense of disinterest in engaging in activities that may be experienced as frustrating or as causing agitation. After COVID-19 began, life has greatly changed for people from all walks of life. From toddlers to the elderly, all ages have faced significant issues. With restrictions limiting activities, many might find it tough to avoid boredom in COVID-19.

For children, no school, playing outside and spending time with friends can contribute to feelings of boredom.

For teenagers, coping with boredom during COVID can be tough. Again, their social interaction and educational activities are limited. In addition to this, they cannot go to public places of leisure such as restaurants, theatres, beaches and malls often. Online classes can be difficult to concentrate in and can also lead to one feeling bored.

For young adults, college, work and social connections are likely to be affected. Again, working online with no company of colleagues or classmates can lead to boredom. After a point, social media and the internet can also seem like it has nothing new to offer. With a lot of free time on their hands and not much to do, this age group can face frustration.

For parents, dealing with the same mundane routine everyday can get boring. Being unable to meet other family members, colleagues and go for work can lead to boredom. The additional work of taking care of children can also seem uninteresting on a daily basis.


For elderly, being unable to go for walks, meet people in person and engage in any clubs that they are a part of can be tough. In addition, many older individuals don’t know how to use smart devices, which can again leave them feeling like there is nothing to do.

People in quarantine can also experience high levels of boredom being confined to a single room.

How to Battle Boredom during Covid?

Behavioral activation, a technique found helpful in clients who are depressed, is highly applicable in the present circumstances. It refers to scheduling activities to increase engagement and activity. This has been linked to improve mood. Healthy coping strategies are important as they can prevent negative outcomes such as anxiety, hypochondria and depression.

Ways to battle boredom during COVID include -

Ways to Battle Boredom during COVID
  • Have a daily schedule with varied activities
  • Read books that can be both entertaining and informative
  • Enroll in online courses of interest
  • Learn a new language online
  • Engage in exercise
  • Enroll in online workshops or skill-based courses
  • Learn how to cook or bake
  • Attend online concerts or other shows
  • Engage in art and craft activities
  • Play board games with family or online games
  • Watch entertaining or educative shows and movies
  • Learn to play a musical instrument
  • Find a part-time job or internship
  • Practice meditation and mindfulness

How to Engage Children during COVID?

Children may find it harder to adjust to the reduced level of activity. It is important for parents to attend to their needs and ensure that they do not feel neglected. Parents can ask the child for suggestions as to what they would like to do. Finding activities that involve collaboration can be helpful. The child can be taught simple, fun tasks at home like cooking or baking.

Doing puzzles together, writing a story, watching something together, drawing, or painting a wall are examples of activities that can be undertaken. It is not advisable to force the child to be engaged with academic content the whole day. This can lead to frustration and boredom.


Negative Effects of Boredom during a Pandemic

Boredom is known to have negative effects on health and wellbeing. It has been related to poor psychological health. It can lead to risky and impulsive behavioral tendencies. These include compulsive gambling, thrill-seeking behaviors and substance abuse. Additionally, boredom has also been found to be implicated in the relapse of addiction. It can be difficult to fight loneliness during a pandemic which can also lead to substance abuse. Boredom can lead to feeling a sense of isolation from the world.

Negative Effects of Boredom during COVID

Boredom and anxiety have also been found to be related. Being bored can foster a sense of loss of control which can be anxiety-provoking. The fear of COVID-19 among school students was found to be related to their level of boredom. When one is bored, they may surf social media and be bombarded with misrepresented and distorted news, which can contribute to anxiety. Boredom and stress have also been found to have links in studies.

Boredom and depression have been correlated in research. Irrational thoughts and mood swings are more likely when one is bored. Due to lower levels of stimulation, anger, rage and aggressive outbursts can increase. It can also cause poor academic and work performance.

COVID has led to unhealthy eating patterns among many. In one study, 63% of individuals blamed boredom as a major causal factor. Feeling bored can increase cravings and can lead to unhealthy snacking. In addition, due to the anxiety and stress caused by boredom, stress eating is also possible. Boredom triggers emotional eating, which can lead to sudden weight gain.

Finally, boredom has contributed to a sense of slowing down time during the lockdown. It can also lead to less compliance with the quarantine rules and restrictions.











