
Meditation for Chronic Disease

Chronic Disease

Meditation is becoming widely popular not only as stress therapy but as an adjunct to conventional medicine for chronic disease.

How meditation works in altering emotions and cognitions is not fully known. Science believes that meditation works just like any other relaxation techniques (biofeedback, progressive muscle relaxation, hypnosis).

A research literature review from Medical University of South Carolina, U.S. suggests that meditation practice can positively influence the experience of chronic disease such as fibromyalgia, cancer, high blood pressure, and psoriasis. They also suggested that meditation can serve as primary, secondary, and/ or tertiary prevention strategy.

Meditation and fibromyalgia: The sympathetic nervous system (a part of autonomous nervous system) in the body is activated during periods of stress. It is responsible for tensing the muscles and activating the endocrine system. Chronic fatigue and sleep disturbances, both of which are characteristic of fibromyalgia, are the direct result of sympathetic nervous system arousal. On the other hand, parasympathetic system (the other part of autonomous nervous system) which originates in the brain helps dilate smooth muscles and induce a state of relaxation by releasing a hormone called adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH). Meditation helps reduce sympathetic nervous system arousal and increases the parasympathetic system activity. This results in improvement of symptoms.


Meditation and high blood pressure: Stress is one of the causal agents in the development of high blood pressure. Transcendental meditation techniques, if done correctly, impact on the sympathetic nervous system resulting in reduced blood pressure as a result of decreased cardiovascular reactivity. Meditation induces mental relaxation and a sense of peace. Mental relaxation in turn elicits physiological relaxation. You can see the effects as early as 15 – 30 minutes of practice. Regular practice of transcendental meditation helps prevent early onset of hypertension.

Meditation and cancer: Meditation cannot cure cancer or for that matter any disease, but it may help improve the quality of life for people with cancer and relieve symptoms associated with cancer. Studies have shown that meditation can help diminish pain, reduce stress, improve immune function and improve mood in cancer patients.


Meditation and psoriasis: Meditation can help reduce stress. And stress often triggers psoriasis in some people. So, by controlling stress, meditation can help control psoriasis.

It is important to note that meditation may not, sometimes, suit people suffering from mental disease, epilepsy, and serious heart disease or neurological problems. Always consult your health care provider before beginning to practice meditation. If you are a beginner, or, you are not an expert in meditation, meditate under the supervision of an experienced teacher.

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