
Orgasm – Myths and Facts


"The orgasm has replaced the Cross as the focus of longing and the image of fulfillment."- Thomas Malcolm Muggeridge

A word that can elicit a myriad of emotions, that can swing from complete embarrassment and silence, to squeals, moans, excitement and eloquence, O R G A S M is perhaps one of the most happening and yet least discussed facts of life, which is most often kept under ‘wraps’. This hush hush affair with a universal and undeniably fundamental craving, Orgasm or the ‘O’ factor to most people, would mean the ‘ultimate’ consummation of sexual intimacy. In fact, sex is thought to come a ‘full circle’ with an orgasm.


Equally well known by slangs such as ‘cum’, or ‘climax’ and many others spoken in the ‘heat of the moment’, orgasm for the initiated would mean a peak of high intensity excitement during sex, packed into earth-shattering seconds, leaving the mind and body in a state of absolute bliss. Universally, it has remained an ‘unforgettable’ experience, known to get better with age and experience.

Orgasm is undoubtedly a mind-body experience. But, how does medical science make sense of this ‘out of the world’ experience?

Definition of Orgasm

Medical science defines orgasm as a culmination of a series of changes in the body during sex, accompanied by pleasure of the highest intensity. In 1950, Robert Kinsey, a scientist, who spoke about human sexuality for the first time described orgasm as, "an explosive discharge of neuromuscular tension"!

The bodily changes following an orgasm are portrayed as increased heart rate, flushed appearance of skin, hormonal changes, muscle contraction and ejaculation. Universally, there is no prescribed limit or extent for a perfect orgasm; medical science equates the bodily changes to an orgasmic experience. The extent of satiation and release following an orgasm gives a clue to psychologists and psychiatrists in assessing the state of mind post orgasm.

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