- Effects of Singing Bowl Sound Meditation on Mood, Tension, and Well-being: An Observational Study - (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5871151/)
- WHAT IS SOUND HEALING? - (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228550675_WHAT_IS_SOUND_HEALING)
- A Comparative Study of the Impact of Himalayan Singing Bowls and Supine Silence on Stress Index and Heart Rate Variability - (https://openaccesspub.org/jbtm/article/1181)
- Sound Therapy and well-being: some scientific studies - (https://www.medicinanarrativa.eu/sound-therapy-and-well-being-some-scientific-studies)
- A synthesis of health benefits of natural sounds and their distribution in national parks - https://www.pnas.org/content/118/14/e2013097118) - (https://www.medicinanarrativa.eu/sound-therapy-and-well-being-some-scientific-studies)
What is Sound Healing?
It is a practice that uses vibrations in the form of Gongs, Tibetan singing bowls, and Tuning forks to relax the emotional and physical well-being. It is believed that sound healing can help relieve anxiety, and sleeping difficulties (insomnia). Sound healers function towards lowering blood pressure, improving circulation, and reducing high respiratory rates.
What are the Types of Sound Healing Techniques?
1. Yogic Chanting and "Om" ing
Chanting is the first step to meditation, and it is the means of maintaining health and well-being. Chanting stabilizes the heart rate, lowers blood pressure, improves circulation, produces endorphins, and aids metabolism.
Chanting helps the mind focus, and this does alleviate stress levels. For example, repeating the syllable "om" is often considered an essential mantra in yoga; it fosters profound mental clarity and does promote a sense of connectedness with a higher power.

2. Involvement in Classical Music
Classical music increases the rate of development of the synaptic connections in a person's mind. It fuels creativity and does address physical ailments like high blood pressure, anxiety, and muscle tension.
3. Humming - As a Regular Practice
Humming lifts the spirits, and it clears the head. Humming helps in keeping the sinuses clear and healthy.
4. Usage of Tuning Forks
Initially, Tuning Forks did tune the musical instruments towards attaining the proper pitch. Orthopedists have used tuning forks to detect stress fractures in large bones. Sound therapists use vibrations of the tuning forks to increase the energy towards different body parts they are trying to heal. The good vibes do support relaxation, balance the nervous system, and increase physical energy.
5. Application of Singing Bowls
Sound Bowl can be either a metal or a quartz crystal; a singing bowl does sing when a continuous run is felt-tipped by a mallet around its very edge. When produced, proper rhythms do strike the edge of the bowl; the vibrations and the tones happen to slow down breathing, brain waves, and heart rates, producing a deep sense of calm plus overall well-being.
What are the Benefits of Sound Healing?
1. Improving organization skills
The brain is focused, and there is 'less going' on in it, this makes taking control of the daily tasks on a whole new level possible. A sound therapy course does help in improving the organizational skills benefitting both work and family life.

2. Getting relief from common ailments
Many of the ailments in the modern age are stress-related, relief from these ailments are relieved by using sound therapy. Problems like high blood pressure, stomach pain, depression, and joint pains are related to stress and anxiety. A healing environment is created by the sounds where the body and the mind collectively heal.
3. Boosts the health
Benefits include better sleep, reduction of chronic pain and blood pressure, lowered cholesterol levels, and a decreased risk of heart diseases. Regarding the professional help with these ailments, book an appointment with a certified medical practitioner.
4. Support system for the mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being
Sound healing works on healing the mental and emotional levels. Sound healing reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. Balancing and clearing the mind leads to a renewed sense of purpose, well-being, calm, and happiness.
5. Very relaxing
Deep relaxation is the most universal benefits of sound therapy. The sounds do happen to permeate our system bringing it back towards harmony. With the busy schedules, we can use the fulfilling vibes as relaxation is always worth it.
6. Propagates clearing energetic blockages
The sound therapy session makes the sound vibrations open, clear, balances the chakras, and does release the stuck up energy. Consider it equivalent to an energetic deep tissue massage that leaves behind the feeling of being replenished, and vanquished. Feeling the physical sensations like tingling in the hands or a sense of being hot or cold. It is about breathing into such forms of sensations without attaching to them and allowing the sensation to pass.
7. Gives in more focus
Sound therapy can help regain focus in life. This is understood by lowering the levels of the brain wave frequency to help focus. This can certainly help in coping with the day-to-day activities; sound therapy can even be used in achieving better athletic performance, for instance.
8. More of an energy boost
Do feel connected to signals that the brain sends throughout the body. A body under stress feels fatigued, and one of the main organs that affect the stress levels are the ears. Sound therapy feeds the brain with stimulating sounds that motivate the brain to release any latent energy.
9. Occurrence of fewer headaches
Sound therapy is used to receive relief from chronic headaches and migraines. In a way it addresses underlying causes of headaches such as stress and high blood pressure. Adults who have suffered from migraines do get relief from their known symptoms after two weeks of therapy.
10. Boosts in confidence
Creating new plus positive patterns in the brain with the sound therapy can give a great confidence boost. Taking charge of new challenges is possible and having the confidence to make necessary changes in life is seen.
11. Improved relationships with others
Too much stress is a major cause of the breakdowns in relationships, in family, workplace, and anywhere else where we interact with others. The stress levels begin to reduce and the ability to focus on strengthening relationships is observed.
12. Helps to think more clearly
Usage of specific frequencies re-balances the brain function, sound therapy helps to think clearer, and in turn avoid the temptation to rely on self-destructive and addictive habits. A healthy mind happens to promote a healthy body and breaking the cycle of negative thinking and habits makes one enjoy a much calmer plus focused life.
How does the Sound Healing Session Take Place?
In the alternative healing modalities, everyone’s experience is often different, and new things come up in each session. During the sound healing session; moving towards having visualizations, then receiving creative downloads and does having an emotional breakthrough at times.
In fact, some even land up going to “the place,” which is a mental state in which we are not quite awake and not quite asleep. It possibly feels like floating in space. Meanwhile, some do emerge from the dreamy sound bath feeling blissed. So, each experience is unique.
Modes of Sound Healing Sessions
Types of sound healing therapy are as follows:

1. A sound bath
In a sound bath session, you will experience the extended savasana (corpse pose), so lie down and relax comfortably while being bathed in the succinct healing vibrations of sound.
2. A private session
Book a private sound healing session with a trained practitioner who will play instruments such as the Tibetan singing bowls, and can fabulously “bathe” in the sounds.
3. A solo session
Sound healing is available to all and free to practice on its own accord too. It can be done along with humming, chanting, and even singing.
In fact, it is recommended to try humming for just two minutes and notice how the mood begins to make a shift. Choose specific frequencies to hum clear and balance the particular energy centres in the body.
Listening to pre-recorded sessions can be an easy way to experience the magic too. To take on the practice to the next level it is suggested to invest in instruments, and play them for oneself.