
Top 5 Healthy High Calorie Foods

Foods High in Calories

Calories are basically heat energy, wherein two units of energy equal one calorie. A number of people try not to keep track of the calories they consume, however others find it useful to maintain or lose weight.

High calorie foods are often though of as not healthy. But, on the contrary, foods rich in calories can still be a part of a healthy diet when taken in moderation. Here are the top 5 high calorie foods that are good for you and will not compromise your overall health.


Granola is made by baking oats along with honey and chopped nuts. The honey is drizzled over the oats and the mixture is stirred well during the baking process so that it does not bind together. Granola is generally considered to be a breakfast food although it can be consumed as an evening snack or it can be served as a dessert with a scoop of ice cream and chocolate sauce. 1 cup of granola contains approximately 600 calories and 18 grams of protein which is why it is one of the favourite high calorie snacks of bodybuilding enthusiasts as they require foods that are high in calories and protein. Add a handful of raisins, unsalted pistachios and pumpkin seeds to your bowl of granola to increase its calorific and nutritional value.


Olive Oil Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is an emulsion of oil and egg yolk seasoned with lemon juice, salt and sugar as well as mustard, garlic or chopped chives. A typical olive oil mayonnaise recipe calls for one egg yolk per cup of olive oil. One tablespoon of olive oil mayonnaise is between 100 and 125 calories. Olive oil is considered to be one of the healthiest oils as it provides protection from several diseases including atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. It is believed that these health benefits stem from the phenolic compounds and healthy fatty acids present in olive oil as they reduce oxidative damage caused by free radicals and improve platelet and cellular function.

Olive oil is an important part of the Mediterranean diet and several longevity studies have found a link between this type of diet and a reduced risk of morbidity. A simple chicken or leafy greens sandwich with a generous amount of olive oil mayonnaise can contain up to 400 calories and is one of the healthiest high calorie snacks for weight gain.


Cheese is made by separating the milk solids from the whey. The curds go through a ripening process and then packaged to prevent exposure to air. Cheese is a high calorie food as a cup of grated cheese can contain between 200 to 500 calories depending on the type of cheese. Cheese is also a very good source of protein as it can contain over 40 percent proteins by weight. Parmesan cheese has a very high calorie and protein content and so it is one of the best options for a diet plan to gain weight. One cup of grated parmesan cheese would contain 456 calories and 38 grams of protein. Experiment with a few high calorie snack ideas like bruschetta, fondue and cheese pizza boats until you find snacks that suit your calorie requirements and your palate.


Nuts and Nut Butter

Nuts are an excellent source of energy and nutrition as they contain several fats, fatty acids and amino acids. Most nuts are also rich in vitamin E, vitamin B, magnesium, potassium, copper, selenium and several other minerals. The calorie content of nuts varies greatly from one variety to the next - for example, 100 grams of chestnuts is just 213 calories, but the same quantity of macadamia nuts contain 718 calories. Nut butters are made by grinding nuts with water so that the oils within the nuts form an emulsion with the water to form a smooth and buttery paste. Peanut butter is the most common type of nut butter and is invariably a hit with kids. There are many peanut butter high calorie snacks for kids including peanut butter cookies, peanut butter smoothies, granola and peanut butter balls and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.


Raisins are dried grapes that are often listed as a “superfood” as they contain a wide variety of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Raisins are also a calorie-dense food as a single cup of raisins contains 434 calories. Most of the calories in raisins come from sugars as they contain over 70 percent sugars by weight including fructose and glucose. Raisins are a healthy alternative to sugar and so they can be used to satiate your child’s craving for sweets.

Chop a handful of assorted nuts and add this to a bowl along with an equal quantity of raisins and a tablespoon of chocolate shavings. This is one of the simplest high calorie snacks for toddlers and it is often a hit with older children too.

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