Top 9 Reasons Why We Should Practice Kindness

Top 9 Reasons Why We Should Practice Kindness

Have you Ever Thought About How You Feel When you Receive Love and Kindness?

To be kind is to want to help others or yourself because you genuinely care. It feels nice to be the recipient of acts of kindness, doesn’t it? All of us would have come across examples of kindness in our lives. It could be somebody offering you their seat, sharing an umbrella, checking in on your health, or picking up your child from school.

Kindness feels good. But did you know that showing kindness and compassion to others can also be very beneficial to oneself?(1 Trusted Source
What we do and don''t know about kindness

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) Let us look at nine reasons why we should practice kindness(15 Trusted Source
Benefits of Kindness

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Why Should We Practice Kindness?

  1. Kindness is linked to longer life(16 Trusted Source
    6 Benefits of Practicing Kindness

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    ) – Yes! Studies show that those who volunteered above the age of 55 years had a lower chance of dying early(5 Trusted Source
    Kindness Health Facts

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    ). Kindness reduced the risk of dying early by a massive 44%. Not only this, but volunteering individuals also had a reduced number of aches, a common symptom of aging(8 Trusted Source
    The case for kindness

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  2. Kindness keeps the heart healthy(3 Trusted Source
    The art of kindness

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    ) – Being kind releases the ‘love hormone’ oxytocin, a cardioprotective hormone. This hormone dilates blood vessels, reducing the risk of high blood pressure and improving cardiovascular health(7 Trusted Source
    6 Science-Backed Ways Being Kind Is Good for Your Health

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  3. Showing kindness improves self-worth – When you are kind to others, you are likely to feel an increased sense of self-esteem. Your well-being is also enhanced by being nice to people. Hormone oxytocin increases self-esteem and optimism(5 Trusted Source
    Kindness Health Facts

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  4. Kindness reduces stress risk – People who are always kind have been found to have 23% less cortisol, a stress hormone(7 Trusted Source
    6 Science-Backed Ways Being Kind Is Good for Your Health

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    ). They also tend to age more slowly. Want to keep the greys away? Try being kind!
  5. Showing kindness to others helps tackle anxiety and depression – When highly anxious individuals engaged in 6 acts of kindness over a period of one week, the results were remarkable(8 Trusted Source
    The case for kindness

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    ). It was found that their moods improved, their anxiety and avoidance decreased, and they were more satisfied in their relationships(5 Trusted Source
    Kindness Health Facts

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  6. Loving-kindness fosters a sense of belonging and connection(4 Trusted Source
    Kindness matters guide

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    ) – When you help others by volunteering, you make many friends and connect with the community. This helps foster a sense of belonging, one of our basic needs as human beings. Being kind can help overcome loneliness and boost relationships(4 Trusted Source
    Kindness matters guide

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  7. Not only COVID-19, but kindness is also contagious(1 Trusted Source
    What we do and don''t know about kindness

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    ) – Knowing or seeing someone else display kindness can motivate us to behave kindly towards others. Studies have shown that kindness can be contagious and when witnessed firsthand, you are more likely to pay it forward(5 Trusted Source
    Kindness Health Facts

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    ). Imagine a domino effect of kindness! It all starts with one tiny push.
  8. Spreading kindness can lead to happiness and a sense of purpose(2 Trusted Source
    The heart and science of kindness

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    ) – It has been found that kindness leads to eudemonic happiness or happiness infused with a sense of meaning and purpose(6 Trusted Source
    How Kindness Fits Into a Happy Life

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    ). Hedonic happiness on the other hand is self-centered and focuses on pleasure and comfort. An example of eudemonic happiness could be, by giving a street dog food, you feel a sense of warmth from having supported the animal and made a difference in its life(6 Trusted Source
    How Kindness Fits Into a Happy Life

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  9. Kindness can help prevent suicide – Kindness can also help prevent suicide. Being kind to oneself is linked to a lower level of suicidal thoughts. Someone who is contemplating taking their life can develop trust and seek help when approached with kindness and compassion(9 Trusted Source
    Compassion and Suicide

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Ways to Practice Kindness in Everyday Living

Here are some ways to practice kindness in your daily life(10 Trusted Source
10 Random Acts of Kindness you could do today

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) -

  • Acting as a mentor for people struggling to learn in a field of your expertise
  • Volunteering in a local organization once a week
  • Helping a neighbor isolated due to COVID-19, with groceries
  • Checking in on a friend who hasn’t been talking much
  • Sharing with a friend or family member how grateful you are for them(10 Trusted Source
    10 Random Acts of Kindness you could do today

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  • Feeding stray animals on your street
  • Donating toys or clothes for people who cannot afford them(17 Trusted Source
    A Range of Kindness Activities Boost Happiness

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  • Helping someone with mobility or vision issues cross the road
  • Donating to regions affected by a natural disaster
  • Complimenting a stranger on the way to work(10 Trusted Source
    10 Random Acts of Kindness you could do today

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How to Practice Kindness with Yourself

Don’t forget to be kind to yourself! How often do we criticize ourselves for not being perfect or making a mistake? Talk to yourself kindly instead, just like you would talk to someone important to you(14 Trusted Source
How to Be Kinder to Yourself Compassion

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). Forgive yourself for mistakes, as we all make them. Take time out on a daily basis to take care of yourself, from your diet to your sleep, to your overall well-being(13 Trusted Source
How to Be Kind to Yourself

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How to Practice Kindness with Yourself

Appreciate yourself at the end of the day for any one thing you did(14 Trusted Source
How to Be Kinder to Yourself Compassion

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). It could be as simple as making someone smile(11 Trusted Source
17 Ways to be Kind to Yourself

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). Reassure yourself like you would do for your best friend when they are upset. Remind yourself of those golden qualities you have(13 Trusted Source
How to Be Kind to Yourself

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). Be your own cheerleader! These are all steps that take only a few minutes of your day, but they can go a long way in changing how you view yourself and life(12 Trusted Source
Be Kind to Yourself

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