If you’re spending tons of money on skincare cosmetics and products, in a futile attempt to look younger, here’s something you’re going to love. We’ve brought you the best skincare tips, easy and simple, to get you the youthful, glowing skin you’ve always wanted. Read on…
Tip 1: Choose your bleach carefully
Bleaching agents are basically a mix of some harsh chemicals that do lighten your skin but in turn, strip your skin of its moisture, and sometimes even lead to irritation and itching. Use natural bleaching products as far as possible.
Use food-based bleaches like yoagurt, lemon and tomatoes. They naturally lighten your skin and don’t play hard on you.
Tip 2: Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!
Probably, the most important thing to keep in mind to keep the wrinkles and fine lines at bay is to moisturize your skin. People having dry skin tend to develop signs of aging more quickly than people with oily skin, and that’s solely because the moisture content of the skin plays a vital role in keeping your skin look youthful.

Choose a good moisturizer that’s made up of natural products, and isn’t sensitive on the skin. Home-based moisturizers like milk cream, papaya and yogurt also work well.
Tip 3: Remember the sunscreen
Believe it or not, sunscreen is your lifesaver when it comes to naturally preventing aging of the skin. The UVA and UVB rays of the sun are popular for their untimely ageing effects on the skin, and loading up on the sunscreen can be a good step to put that at bay.
It’s also important to remember that sunscreen is not just recommended for the sunny days; the UVA and UVB rays can filter out through clouds too.
Tip 4: Grab some vitamin D
It’s not just good for your bones, but for your skin as well. Research suggests that vitamin D, thanks to its antimicrobial action, can work wonderfully in reducing eczema and rosacea.
Soaking up the early morning sun rays is one of the best ways to replenish your vitamin D reserves.
Tip 5: Stop the smoke
Here comes the hard part. Smoking, with many other harmful effects, also brings with it puffy eyes, skin infections, wrinkles, premature aging and even skin cancer. Going nicotine-free may be the best thing to do for your skin if you smoke more than two cigarettes a day.
Tip 6: Skin scrubs no-no
They may remove dirt and oil from your clogged pores, but scrubs and packs that you buy from your local cosmetic store do much more than just that. For starters, they tend to have big particles of ‘scrub’ which irritate the skin, leaving in microscopic scars, which can be terrible if you have sensitive skin.

Also, these products tend to make the skin too dry, thereby making it feel stretchy and scaly. Instead, use natural, milder scrubs and face packs like Multani mitti, powdered gram flour, ground almonds and so on.
Tip 7: Remove the makeup
Last night’s party may have rocked, but with all the alcohol, fried foods and a heavily make-upped skin, your body may not have had a good time. Removing all traces of makeup before sleeping is important. Heavy makeup products tend to clog the pores of the skin, making them unable to breathe, easily making them a breeding spot for many infectious bacteria.
Use a light, clean and cotton swabs to remove every bit of makeup gently.