Do you wish to find out if your child is undernourished?
It is important to know for a parent if their child is undernourished. The method to assess this state is called Anthropometry. The nutritional status of a child can be used by using parameters like "Height and Weight" or by using� "Arm/Head Circumference method".Nutritional status results are independent of age.
Recommended Readings on Diet & Nutrition
Asparagus is a vegetable packed with nutrients and vitamins that are essential for our body. Asparagus has numerous health benefits that are important for overall health.
"To insure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness and maintain an interest in life." - William Londen The importance of a healthy, well-balanced lifestyle cannot be stressed ...
Animation of a surgical condition called Intussusception of the intestine. This is a common surgical cause for the blockage of the intestine (gut) in children.
Simple steps depicting surgical removal of foreskin.
Childhood obesity is one of the most serious health challenges in the developing countries and needs to be understood and tackled effectively.
Everyone requires good nutrition, be it man, woman, child or elderly. However, nutrition that men need differs slightly from that required by women. Find out how ...
Effective nutrition education in schools can eventually force children to rethink about their eating habits and form their own new ones.
Discover the foods that make for optimum eye health. Read on...
As we get older, our bones start becoming weak, especially in women after menopause. To keep your bones strong, here is the list of recommended top foods.
Include vegetables and fruits as part of your diet and improve your overall health.
Use these Health Screening Guidelines that list the medical conditions you should be screened for in your next health check-up.
The height and weight calculator is a useful tool to ascertain the ideal height and weight of the children according to age and gender.
Increase in salt concentration in the urine results in precipitation of crystals and these lead to formation of kidney stones. Drinking a lot of water can prevent kidney stones.
Medindia offers a milestone chart for the growing child, by which we can determine the activities of the baby at various stages of the growth.
I did the nutritional assessment of my 2 year old daughter. Weight = 13kg and height = 86cm. The result was "abnormal". If I check ideal height and weight for 2 year old , my child fits in as normal. What does this mean?