Cancer Support Groups
Cancer Support Groups in India

1) Cancer Support Group Cancer Institute
Chennai - 600 020.
Patients of cancer often say that one of the best ways for them to live life to the fullest is to become knowledgeable about the disease and the various support vehicles available.
(Children with Cancer Support Group, Cancer Institute (WIA), Chennai)Learning about the diagnosis and treatment options available may help you to make decisions about your care. The first step in the learning process begins with talking to your physician. Every patient’s cancer diagnosis is different. Addressing concerns and getting information is the beginning of the learning process. "Children with Cancer support Group " started in January 2004 at Cancer Institute, Adyar, Chennai, addresses issues on education and answering basic questions on cancer. This group supported by Sanofi Aventis and Headed by Dr Anita Chandra is running for the last 18 months at Cancer Institute , Chennai , India. So please free to send your questions to
2) Sanctuary
Adyar Cancer Institute
Chennai - 600 020.
Mobile: 91-9841094282
"A tiny way to fight the big C"
Ranga Kumar joined the Adyar Cancer Institute as a volunteer some 20 years ago.
To start with, the volunteers assisted the poor and illiterate patients at the outpatients ward with paperwork. Then they felt there was a crying need to interact with them at a more emotional level. With permission from Dr Shantha, the institute's director, Ranga and another volunteer, Girija, started actively counseling cancer patients. Sanctuary itself came into existence 15 years ago.
Sanctuary volunteers thus give the patients a sense of belonging and a feeling that there is someone out there to talk to them and share their problems, and to reassure and provide them with emotional help. As counselors, they do more of listening, and encourage the patients to open up and talk. The group has also formulated its own training programs, and one of the rules is, 'If you are stressed, you should call your co-volunteer, ventilate, and go home'.

(Mrs Ranga Kumar, founder-president of Sanctuary)
Mrs. Girija Sudhreendran
AH 60, New 32, 5th Street,
Anna Nagar
Chennai 600036
Tel: 044-42171217
Mobile: 91-9840053520
"Let's lead them from darkness to light" SAHAAYIKA is a Trust registered on 20th Aug, 2003 and the trustees are; Sudheendran, Girija & Neerja working at Cancer Institute (WIA), Chennai and Apollo Specialties at Chennai.

"Having fought and conquered cancer, our mission is to reach out to patients to support them emotionally and financially ". The main objectives are to provide financial assistance for persons challenged by the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, specially children and young persons and to support institutions and hospitals that provide free detection and treatment of cancer for the poor. The trust also aims to provide psychosocial , legal and other forms of support to cancer patients and help them rejoin the mainstream of life.
Under Sahayika, cancer survivor Neerja started the Apollo Cancer Support Group which is attached to Apollo Specialty Center. They provide psychosocial support to cancer patients.
4) Lakshmi Pain and Palliative Care Clinic
Dr Mallika Tiruvadanan
Sundaravadanan Nursing Home
136, Poonamallee High Road
Chennai - 600 084.
Tel: 044-2641 1597
A charitable trust aimed to provide love of a home and facilities of a hospital for cancer patients who are in an advanced stage of the ailment.

The objective is to improve the quality of life, to control distressing symptoms like vomiting, constipation, breathlessness, achieve a pain-free state, and to provide psychosocial support.
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