
Cervical Spondylosis/ Degenerative Neck Disease - Exercises

Cervical spondylosis Exercises

Here are some moderate exercise plans that can help prevent cervical spondylosis:

  • Use firm mattress and keep your head at a level. Do not sleep on your stomach. Use pillows which do not bend your back for more than 15 degrees. Sleep on your back or on your side.
  • Regular neck exercises are necessary that will help reduce the neck pain.
  • Slowly bend your head to the right, hold, and return it to the center. Do the same to the left.
  • Slowly move your chin down towards your chest, hold, and relax., then bring your head back up. Again move your head upwards towards the ceiling, hold for 10-15 seconds and bring your head back down.
  • Bend your head straight over towards your left ear, hold and return it to the center. Do the same to the right side.

Isometric exercises

Try doing some isometric exercise but remember not to hold your breath while doing these exercises. For each exercise press 5 to 6 counts, then relax.

  • Press your palm into your forehead. Resist any motion.
  • Press both your hands on back of your head. Try to pull your head up but resist any motion.
  • Press your hands against your temple. Try to turn your chin to both sides of your shoulder, but resist any motion.
  • You can do all these exercise five times, each twice a day.

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