
Diabetes and Exercise-Suitable Exercises

Suitable Exercises

No exercise program can be described as the ideal program. Each has its own advantages.


This is the safest, commonest and the cheapest form of physical activity. All one needs to invest in is a pair of good walking shoes and sports socks. It can be done by people of any age and anywhere. It is ideal for people not used to physical activity. It is the warming up or cooling down activity of choice.


Some prefer to jog since it is more fun. It is more intense and requires lesser time than walking for the same amount of exercise. Comfortable pair of shoes, preferably with extra cushion should be used. Jogging on hard surface should be avoided. The footwear should be replaced much before it wears off. For one to get into a jogging habit, it is better to walk first (warm up) and jog for a few minutes and then walk again, repeat the process, and finally walk at the end as mentioned in cool down phase.


Using weights

This uses large muscles that burn more calories. This can include using small weights in the gym or health club. One should begin with light weights and then increase the weights gradually. As one becomes stronger more weights can be lifted. It helps to reduce osteoporosis and builds muscles especially in the elderly. It also decreases the risk of heart attacks. This type of exercise increases glucose uptake by the muscles and enhances their ability to store glucose.

A number of individuals may not adhere to the exercise program due to various reasons:

  • Ignorance about the benefits of exercise
  • Fear of accidents from exercise
  • Inability to adapt to some of the lifestyle changes that exercise requires
  • No moral support from family or friends
  • Chronic illness
  • Old age

In such cases, an alternate exercise program, such as walking 10 minutes every hour or every other hour in the house, cleaning the house, gardening and doing extra chores around the house can help.

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