Five Symptoms and Signs of Dehydration you Should Not Ignore

Five Symptoms and Signs of Dehydration you Should Not Ignore

What is Dehydration?

Dehydration is condition caused by the loss of too much fluid from the body. It happens when you are losing more fluids than you are taking in, and your body does not have enough fluids to work properly(1 Trusted Source

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Did you know that your body is made up of nearly 65 percent water?

An integral part of nearly all your bodily functions depends on water and without water; you could suffer from a number of acute illnesses, like dehydration(2 Trusted Source
The Hydration Equation: Update on Water Balance and Cognitive Performance

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Water in the Human Body

What Causes Dehydration?

The common cause of dehydration is when your body loses more water than the amount you drink; some of the most common causes of dehydration are - drinking less water during summer, diarrhea, vomiting, spending a lot of time in the heat, vigorous exercise, and excessive sweating(3 Trusted Source
Public knowledge of dehydration and fluid intake practices: variation by participants' characteristics

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While simply drinking a glass of water at regular intervals may help ward off the onset of the ailment, but it may not be enough in cases of extreme heat or sweating. In such an instance, keeping an eye out for the common signs of dehydration can go a long way.

So to help you identify the signs of dehydration, here are 5 common symptoms you should look out for.

Five Symptoms of Dehydration

Depending on the amount of fluid lost from your body, dehydration can be classified as mild, moderate or severe. Mild to moderate dehydration can be treated by making simple changes to your intake of fluids; in cases of severe dehydration, you must visit a doctor immediately.


Here are some common symptoms:

  • Thirst: Feeling extremely thirstycould be a sign that your body needs more water or fluids to function optimally(3 Trusted Source
    Public knowledge of dehydration and fluid intake practices: variation by participants' characteristics

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  • Dark Colored Urine: Another early sign of dehydration; dark colored urine which is body's way of reducing the loss of fluids from your body. If left unchecked, dehydration can have a cascading effect and lead to UTI (urinary tract infection) and kidney problems(4 Trusted Source
    The Effect of Hydration on Urine Color Objectively Evaluated in CIE L*a*b* Color Space

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  • Fatigue: The loss of water from your body can disturb all the essential processes of your body leaving you tiredness, lethargicy, and irritated(3 Trusted Source
    Public knowledge of dehydration and fluid intake practices: variation by participants' characteristics

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  • Dizziness or Light Headedness: The best way to combat this symptom is to lie down and drink plenty of fluids – allowing your body to recuperate(3 Trusted Source
    Public knowledge of dehydration and fluid intake practices: variation by participants' characteristics

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  • Headache: You might notice the onset of a headache right after you have spent a long time in the heat or sun, overexerted yourself or have sweat too much. Headcheis an indicator of dehydration, which can be treated by re-hydrating yourself by drinking fluids rich in electrolytes(3 Trusted Source
    Public knowledge of dehydration and fluid intake practices: variation by participants' characteristics

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Five Symptoms of Dehydration

In severe cases of dehydration, noticing symptoms such as, muscle cramps, heart palpitations, low blood pressure and rapid breathing is fairly common. In such instances, make sure you visit a trained physician immediately.


Symptoms of Dehydration in Babies

Babies and infants are very susceptible to dehydration as they have a developing biological system. Apart from that, the sheer size of their body puts them at high risk of suffering from this condition. If you think your baby is dehydrated, here are a few symptoms you should look out for(5 Trusted Source
Pediatric Dehydration

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  • Rapid breathing
  • Dry mouth
  • Lack of tears when crying
  • Irritability and lethargy
  • Cold hands and feet with appearance of blotchy skin
  • Dark yellow colored urine and fewer wet nappies.

Remember, if your child shows symptoms of dehydration, then do not give your child only water, as this will only lead to more damage as water tends to wash out their already depleting resources of electrolytes making the situation worse. Instead, use anoral rehydrating solution (ORS) to replenish lost electrolytes(6 Trusted Source
Fluid management

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Signs of Dehydration in Pregnant and Lactating Women

Pregnant and lactating women are at a greater risk of suffering from dehydration(7 Trusted Source
Association between total water intake and dietary intake of pregnant and breastfeeding women in China: a cross-sectional survey

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). This is because during pregnancy and lactation your body needs more water to perform essential bodily functions and aid in the development of your baby.

Incidentally, severe dehydration during pregnancy can lead to several complications including, neural tube defects in your child, low amniotic fluid, an insufficient amount of breast milk production and even premature labor.

Symptoms during Pregnancy: Water plays an essential role in the healthy development of your little one. Common signs include:

  • Dark colored urine
  • Feeling extremely hot or sweating too much. A condition also known as maternal overheating, this is when your body temperature rises above normal.

While Lactating, one tends to lose a lot more fluids from the body. Therefore, protecting yourself from dehydration is essential for both you and your baby(8 Trusted Source
Nutrition Column An Update on Water Needs during Pregnancy and Beyond

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). While several studies have shown that in cases of mild to moderate dehydration the quality of breast milk is not affected; but in severe cases, it may lower your breast milk's micronutrient content. The common symptoms you should watch out for during lactation are fatigue, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, lowered blood pressure and irritability.

How to Stay Hydrated

  • Drink Enough Water: Water is perfect to replenish lost fluids from your body. Sipping on water throughout the day is a great way to stay hydrated, and lower your body's temperature, so it works optimally. The recommended daily intake of fluids for males and women is 15 cups (3.7 liters) and 11.5 cups (2.7 liters), respectively. (9 Trusted Source
    How much water do we really need to drink?

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  • Don't Skip the Electrolytes: Electrolytes are also an integral part of your body’s functions; therefore replenishing them is essential. If you are looking for a simple way to recharge your electrolyte reserves, simply drink a glass of lemon juice with salt and sugar two to three times a day. The salt and sugar content along with the citric acid and vitamin C will help you to give that energy boost you need.
How to Stay Hydrated
  • Eat Fruits and Vegetables: Both fruits and vegetables are very rich sources of macro and micro nutrients(10 Trusted Source
    Macronutrient balance and micronutrient amounts through growth and development

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    ), electrolytes, and energy – all of which help keep your body’s fluid levels in check and keep you hydrated.
  • Follow Your Thirst: Avoid delaying drinking until you're extremely thirsty. Drink water all day long.
  • Heat and Exercise: Be extra mindful of hydration during hot weather and exercise. Increase your water intake accordingly.

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