Types of Physiotherapy / Physiotherapy - Types

Types of Physiotherapy - Cryotherapy


This is a treatment involving the application of Ice. This is a commonest and very old method of treatment. The temperature of the skin over the ailment is reduced to 10°C during the treatment.(1Therapeutic Heat

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Cryotherapy is One of the Types of Physiotherapy

When useful?

  1. Pain
  2. Muscle spasm (muscles become so tight and painful)
  3. Spasticity (muscles become tight due to damage to the brain)
  4. After any surgery, to train the muscle which has lost its action
  5. Bed sores / Pressure sores

Where it should not be used?

Individuals with -

  1. Psychological fear of ice
  2. Cardiac problems
  3. Nerve injuries
  4. Lack of sensation


  1. In case of injury, bleeding is prevented
  2. In case of bedsores, healing is faster

Treatment Time

The treatment duration is about 1-3 minutes (It depends upon the patient's condition)

Ways of Application

  1. Ice towel
  2. Ice packs
  3. Immersion
  4. Ice cube massage
  5. Quick massage
