- Microbial Infections of Skin and Nails - (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK8301/)
- Common Viral and Fungal Skin Infections - (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11890082)
Viral, Bacterial and Fungal Skin Problems
Different types of virus cause viral skin infections. These infections may not be long lasting, but some can scar for life, if left untreated. Bacterial skin infections can be easily treated with antibiotics. Fungal infections usually occur during immuno-suppressive states.
- Chicken pox: The chicken pox rash appears on the scalp, face and chest. They are at first red and itchy. Later on they turn into fluid filled vesicles, which susequently crusts and shrivels. The lesions appear in crops and so at any point in time during the illness, all the above types of lesions are seen. The virus may recur, causing a painful condition called shingles, which are pus-filled blisters, which become dry and heal eventually.
- Measles: Symptoms include coughing and fever. The rash starts on the face and spreads to the body.
- Warts: They are caused by viral infections. Warts are smooth lesions of the skin, which may appear lighter or darker than the surrounding skin.
- Type 1 Herpes simplex virus: Causes small, water-filled, clear blisters primarily on the lips. Herpes spreads by sharing cups, by touching and kissing.
- Type 2 Herpes simplex virus: The infection caused by this virus mostly spreads through sexual contact. Symptoms include sores around the genital area, skin rashes and itching.(3✔ ✔Trusted Source
Microbial Infections of Skin and Nails
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- Folliculitis: Also called Barber's Itch. The hair follicles get damaged due to bacterial infection. Skin rashes and pimples around the infected follicles may result. The infection may also spread to other areas.
- Impetigo: This highly contagious, bacterial infection is common among children. It is characterized by itchy, red skin lesions that easily form crust
Microorganisms infesting the skin cause these infections. They feed off the dead skin cells, and usually remain dormant. But when a person is not hygenic, the fungal organisms reproduce rapidly, leading to an infection. Simple measures in everyday life like cleaning hands and feet after coming indoors, wearing clean, dry underwear and socks and using medicated powder as and when required would go a long way in preventing these infections. Some of the common diseases are Candida, Athlete’s foot and ringworm.
Fungal infections also commonly occur in immuno-suppressed patients such as diabetics, patients on steroids or cancer treatment, HIV infeced individuals etc.(4✔ ✔Trusted Source
Common Viral and Fungal Skin Infections
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