Symptoms and Signs of Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Typical features of myofascial pain syndrome include presence of trigger points within the taut band in the muscle, referred pain and local twitch response.
Symptoms and signs of myofascial pain syndrome include-
- Local or regional deep, dull, persistent, aching pain in the muscles
- Presence of tender nodules or knots within palpable taut or ropy band of muscle that can be felt on touch. These are the myofascial trigger points.

- Referred pain when pressure is applied on the nodules. It can vary from mild to severe
- Reduced movement at the painful site
- Local twitch response: a twitch can be produced in the muscle on applying pressure on the trigger point
Symptoms may appear after muscle trauma in some patients.
Other associated symptoms may include-
- Functional symptoms like fatigue, stiff joints, muscle weakness, lack of muscle coordination and decreased work tolerance

- Symptoms associated with autonomic dysfunction like abnormal sweating, excessive salivation, excessive tearing, temperature changes and skin flushing
- Pain in neck region is often associated with symptoms like headache, ear pain, poor balance, dizziness and tinnitus (abnormal sounds in the ears)
- Other symptoms include numbness, burning or tingling sensation, blurred vision, muscle twitches and trembling