Other Names : Pancoast’s syndrome
What is Pancoast Syndrome ? Involvement of brachial plexus and cervical sympathetic nerves due to its compression caused by malignant neoplasm of the superior sulcus of the lung.
Cause(s) :
Non-small cell lung carcinoma
Sometimes small cell carcinoma
Symptoms :
Severe shoulder pain, radiating towards axilla and scapula along the ulnar aspect of the muscles of the hand
Atrophy of hand and arm muscles
Compression of the blood vessels with edema
Horner syndrome (combined occurrence of ptosis, miosis, hernianhidrosis, posterior displacement of the eyeball within the eye)
Signs of associated lung cancer like cough, dyspnea and hemoptysis
Diagnosis and Tests :
Physical examination for ptosis and miosis
Biopsy of lungs
Chest Radiography
CT scan of lungs
MRI scan of lungs
PET scan of lungs
Liver, bone and brain scan
Tumour markers
Specialist to consult : Oncology-Medical
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