
Treatment of Transient Ischemic Attack

Treatment of Transient Ischemic Attack

Transient ischemic attack is like a warning stroke, hence lifestyle modifications along with medical and surgical intervention when required can prevent subsequent stroke.

Since the risk of a subsequent stroke in the first few days after an ischemic attack is high, it justifies hospital admission

The goal of management is to prevent a future stroke. Time lost is brain lost, thus there should be no difference in the response to treating a TIA or stroke. Identification and control of modifiable risk factors remains the best strategy to reduce the burden of stroke.

Lifestyle changes in diet and exercise are necessary.

Transient Ischemic Attack Diet Exercise

Drugs to treat high blood pressure, high cholesterol or heart disease maybe recommended to reduce further risk of TIA and stroke.

Hospitalization, evaluation and treatment should follow as required.


Medical Interventions

The medicines and therapies used depend on the cause of TIA.

The patient is treated with anti-platelet agents and provided antithrombotic treatment when necessary to dissolve clots and prevent new clots from forming.

Surgical Interventions - Edarterectomy and stenting are surgical procedures often used to clear the blockage in the arteries.

Transient ischemic Attack Surgical

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