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A quick and simple first Aid guide on how to administer treatment for Choking.
awesome answers........specially fr the students who r give headknokin projects....truly it helped me a lot
pihu.s - India5/27/2009
Heat Stroke
A quick and simple First Aid guide on how to administer treatment for Heat Stroke.
I must thank the site for presenting the subject in a very very systematic order which is easy to understand and follow. Great.Thank a ton....Bheempaul, India
Bheempaul - India4/7/2009
Tooth Ache
A quick and simple First Aid guide on how to administer treatment for Tooth Ache
why it is that most dentist refuse to pull-out the tooth, that is existing suffering an ache ?
edward24 - Philippines3/31/2009
Gastric Problems
A quick and simple first Aid guide on how to administer treatment for Gastric problems.
I'v difficulties about gastric.I cant eat.if i eat something i get vomiting. so, can get better information about how i can getride of this..
kai1086 - Maldives3/25/2009