

Sexual Health Polls

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Health Poll
Should homosexuality be legalized in India?
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homosexuality should not be lgalized in india.biologically it is ok,it happens sometime but it is against the indian breeches the rules and regulation of the society.our cultute does not allow us for it.anyway we are social being,so live in the society with our cultural values , we will have to always protest against hamosexuality
vivek27  Tuesday, April 5, 2011
to each their own
i would be more interested in educating people to what is and should be acceptable behaviour in public to many peole have no respect for public common areas
shouting, fighting, sex in door ways, urinating in streets, vomiting, table manners ..yet children and young adults are out of control in so many other ways,

who cares what people do among consenting adults in their own home

yoyoi  Friday, November 19, 2010
Still more peoples in india is not aware about
a sex.... then how could homosexuality....?????
FredricAlbert  Saturday, June 26, 2010
No its not to be legalized as god created two genders male and female to have intimate relation to have sex hence homosexual is not the option.
RameshanK  Friday, December 18, 2009
actualy, it can reduse, sexual transmitet diseases in india.can avoid to get HIV.if, asked me it was one of the way to avoied rape case's in sosity.the make not because of forse their self, but with their on interestet and one of the saftey way to do sex.
tilainathan  Wednesday, April 29, 2009