

Grey Ribbon - Brain Tumor

Grey Ribbon Creates Awareness of Brain Tumor

Grey pin is used to create awaraness regarding brain tumor, primary brain tumor which arise in the brain cells cannot be detected early and early detection of primary brain cancer does not influence survival rate as it depends up on age, tumor location and type rather than early detection. Secondary brain tumors which occurs due to metastatic spread from tumors of other cancer site( breast, lungs) can be easily prevented by treating the initial tumor and avoiding the metastasis to brain. Incidence of Brain cancer is very low compared to other cancer which occurs only in 0.1% of the population. Brain cancer mostly starts in the Central Nervous System (CNS), which contains the brain and spinal cord. Brain is made up of two cells, neurons which is responsible for transmissing nerve signals and neuroglia which provides nourishment to neurons. Risk factors for primary brain tumor is not known but the risk is said to be increased by exposure to radiation, environmental carcinogens such as vinyl chloride, petroleum products and electromagnetic fields, familial risk of CNS cancer is very limited as it is mostly a sporadic cancer. Brain cancer can be suspected if generalized symptoms of headache, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, pressure in skull, abnormal sleep and coma occurs which gradually becomes worse over time. Tumor in the brain can led to epileptic seizures, damage nerves leading neurodegenerative diseases and vision loss, loss of speech, hearing or walking and affects the thinking ability.

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