How many times have you stayed awake in the dead of the night counting sheep? If it is fairly often then you could be suffering from a sleep disorder!
Sleep disorders (somnipathy) are a range of problems that disrupt regular sleep.
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Sleep Disorder - Types
Lack of sleep - Insomnia
Excessive sleep - Narcolepsy
Disrupted sleep
Sleep apnea, including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
REM sleep behavior disorder
Periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD)
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Sleep Disorders - Symptom
Lack of sleep or sleeplessness
Loud snoring
Intermittent gasping / choking during sleepStoppage of breathing during sleep
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Sleep Disorders - Causes
Mental / Physical illness
Night Shift work
Diet (caffeine. Alcohol, excessive smoking)
Medications (eg. anti-depressants)
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Sleep Disorders - Diagnosis
Self diagnosis by paying attention to daily routine
Maintaining a sleep diary
Doctor consultation
Physical exam
Sleep study
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Sleep Disorders - Treatment
Sleep disorders can interfere with normal life and therefore must be treated
Treatment includes lifestyle changes, devices and medications.
Lifestyle changes suggested -
Quit smoking/alcohol
Regular exercising to reduce weight
Sleep on the side and not on the back
Use of nasal sprays and allergy medicines
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Sleep Disorders - Treatment
OSA is dangerous and needs serious therapy.
Mouth piece or oral appliances
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)machine to blow air into throat
Surgery (for serious cases) to widen breathing passage