
Top Eight Foods to Eat to Induce Labor Naturally - Slideshow

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Foods That Induce Labor Naturally

Getting into labor can be quite an overwhelming experience, particularly for first-time moms. Every woman waits eagerly for that magical day in her life to meet her tiny bundle of joy. But the worst bit is when the due date comes, and there is no sign of labor.

Are you also nearing your due date and still not seeing any signs of labor? Do not worry! Here are a few delicious and healthy foods you can try to induce labor naturally. But since there is not much scientific evidence for eating them, be sure to check with your doctor before trying anything that isn't already a part of your regular diet.

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Eat Pineapple

Pineapple contains active enzyme bromelain which may help soften the cervix and thereby, stimulating the smooth muscles of the uterus to naturally induce labor. It is also possible that other tropical fruits like mango, kiwi, and papaya may have a similar effect.

Eat fresh pineapple, and not the canned one as the process involved in canning tend to reduce the bromelain content of the fruit.

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Try Unripe Green Papaya

Raw green papayas are rich in the enzyme papain, which can trigger contractions in the uterus. Papain is considerably found in the latex of unripe leaves and fruit of papaya which acts like prostaglandin and oxytocin and can help start contractions.

Latex is lost in ripe papaya which is why eating a ripened papaya will show no effect in inducing labor.

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Chow Down on Some Spice

Eating spicy food has long been thought to stimulate contractions, and several women swear by spicy foods as a saving grace to induce labor. Though there's no clear evidence to back up these claims, spicy foods do stimulate the prostaglandins hormone that is known to cause contractions of the uterine walls. So, if you can handle the heat, why not chow down on some chili!

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Try Black Licorice

Liquorice or licorice root has a chemical compound called glycyrrhizin, which is thought to boost prostaglandins involved in contraction of the uterus. Licorice can stimulate cramps in the bowel by having a laxative effect. Bowel cramps may help induce uterine cramps. However, it is not advised to eat a large amount of licorice as it is associated with preterm birth.

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Drink Warm Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

Drinking a cup of warm raspberry leaf tea can help tone your uterus and prepare it for delivery as it contains a phytochemical compound called fragarine. It minimizes the risk of having a cesarean and is also good for postpartum when your uterus has to contract back.

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Brew a Cup of Cumin tea

Cumin tea which is used to treat several digestive problems such as bloating can also induce labor. Drinking cumin tea boosts the metabolic rate which is thought to stimulate labor potentially.

Unfortunately, it is not a pleasant drink for your taste buds. To overcome its bitterness, add a tiny chunk of potato while preparing the tea.

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Grab Some Garlic

Garlic can trigger your intestines, causing softer stools. Having an empty gut can give the baby more space to move into position. Eating garlic has been known to stimulate contractions. It also prepares your body for a speedy birth.

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Include Date Fruit

Dates have an oxytocin-like impact on the body, which may lead to enhanced sensitivity of the uterus and aid in stimulating contractions just like oxytocin. Not only does eating dates induce labor naturally, but also reduces the risk of C-section.

  1. Foods That Induce Labor Naturally
  2. Eat Pineapple
  3. Try Unripe Green Papaya
  4. Chow Down on Some Spice
  5. Try Black Licorice
  6. Drink Warm Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
  7. Brew a Cup of Cumin tea
  8. Grab Some Garlic
  9. Include Date Fruit











