
Top 10 Yoga Postures for Good Health - Slideshow

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Yoga promises a beautiful mind and body. Weight loss, a glowing skin, freedom from pain, peace of mind, strong and a flexible body are some of the benefits of yoga which are achieved by uniting the breathe, mind and body. The essence of yoga is that it brings the body into harmony, ushering in changes that are profound yet subtle.

Yoga poses/asanas involve contractions of specific muscles and focusing on strengthening specific areas of the body. The best part about yoga is that anybody from any age can practice yoga.

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Yoga for Weight Loss - Surya Namaskar also Called the King of Yoga Poses

The Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is one of the most popular of yoga poses and it involves 12 yoga poses to be performed in a sequence. It aids in weight loss and is a complete body workout, sculpting your figure and reaching areas of the body that are rarely exercised otherwise.

Apart from its benefits in weight loss, the Surya Namaskar, which was originally performed facing the early morning rays of the sun, is a rejuvenating exercise. It prepares the body and mind for the rigors of the day.

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Yoga for Peace of Mind - Dhanurasana or Bow Pose

Dhanurasana is a great stress buster and helps in releasing tension from the body and the mind. Lie flat on the stomach and spread your legs wide. Then move up and hold the ankles of your feet. Hold the pose for about 15 seconds while keeping your head up . Do not overstretch, relax. This asana along with meditation will help reduce anxiety, stress and fear, calming you and leaving you at peace.

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Yoga during Pregnancy - Baddhakonasana or Butterfly Pose

This pose helps in relieving morning sickness and associated pregnancy symptoms, allowing the mother to focus on herself. It prepares the mother for labor by strengthening the pelvic muscles while increasing flexibility in the region.

In this pose, the person should sit with the back straight and the soles of the feet pressed together. The hands should hold the feet and the thighs moved up and down like a butterfly flapping its wings.

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Yoga for Neck and Back Pain - Balasana or Child Pose

This yoga pose called balasana helps relieve neck and back pain, while also aiding in calming your mind.

Kneel on the floor with the toes of your feet touching each other. Gently move down from your waist and rest your torso on your thighs. After which, move your head down to touch the ground. Do not overstretch. Your hands should be behind you. Raise up and rest your hands on your thighs. Relax and repeat.

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Yoga for Menopause - Trikonasana or Triangle Pose

Menopause is associated with hormonal, physical and emotional changes along with pain which is alleviated while performing this pose. The pose leaves you feeling fresh and young again.

Stand with your legs apart, the right foot should face sideways and the left foot should face straight. Raise your hands and place the right hand on your right ankle with your left hand facing up, the hands should form a straight line. Stay in the position for a few seconds and then repeat on the other side, exhaling while moving up.

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Yoga for Stamina - Virabhadrasana or Warrior Pose

Everybody multitasks and your stamina never seems to match up with the expectations of the day. This yoga pose is great for those who wish to increase their stamina, improve frozen shoulder condition as well as for toning arms, legs and back.

Stand straight with your feet apart and your hands stretched outward with your palms facing up. Your right foot should be facing right and your left foot should face straight. Slowly bend your knees and turn to your right, try and push your pelvis down as much as possible. Relax.

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Yoga for Heart Health - Tadasana or Mountain Pose

The heart is an important organ as it is involved in the circulation of blood. Strengthening the heart muscles and maintaining good heart rhythm are essential for good health and well-being.

For this pose, stand straight with your legs spread apart. Raise your hands over your head, intertwine your hands with your palms closed. Focus on your breathing.

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Yoga for Sciatica - Garudasana or Eagle Pose

This pose aids in strengthening the back and hip muscles and also in alleviating pain associated with sciatica.

Stand straight and place your right leg around your left leg with your right foot placed firmly across the calf of the left leg. Your right thigh should be over your left thigh. Bring your hands in front and place your right hand over your left. Raise your elbow to get your hands perpendicular to the ground. Your palms should be pressed against each other. Hold this position for a couple of breathes and then relax.

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Yoga for Insomnia - Hastapadasana or Standing Forward Bend

This yoga pose aids in relaxing muscles of the back and improves blood supply. It makes the spine supple and aids in better sleep. Good rest would mean good health.

Stand straight with your feet together and your arms stretched out in front of you. Slowly bend down from the waist and hold your calf with your hands. Relax in this position for a few seconds and then move back up. Inhale while moving down and exhale while moving back up.

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Yoga for Asthma - Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose

Increased pollution or a medical condition could trigger an asthma attack which can be distressing, both physically and emotionally. The bhujanasana is highly recommended for asthma and helps open the chest out as well as the lungs for better respiration.

Lie flat on your stomach with your feet touching each other. Place your palms on the ground and gently rise up from your waist and look up. This will resemble a cobra coiled up. Stay in this position for a while and then relax.

  1. Introduction
  2. Yoga for Weight Loss - Surya Namaskar also Called the King of Yoga Poses
  3. Yoga for Peace of Mind - Dhanurasana or Bow Pose
  4. Yoga during Pregnancy - Baddhakonasana or Butterfly Pose
  5. Yoga for Neck and Back Pain - Balasana or Child Pose
  6. Yoga for Menopause - Trikonasana or Triangle Pose
  7. Yoga for Stamina - Virabhadrasana or Warrior Pose
  8. Yoga for Heart Health - Tadasana or Mountain Pose
  9. Yoga for Sciatica - Garudasana or Eagle Pose
  10. Yoga for Insomnia - Hastapadasana or Standing Forward Bend
  11. Yoga for Asthma - Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose











