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Eating greasy and unhealthy food in a fast food joint is considered unhealthy since it makes a person fat and overweight. But some of the unhealthy foods follow us home and stock up in the refrigerator. These food items are to be blamed for the extra and unhealthy amounts of calories, salt/sodium, sugar and fats they add to the body. What are these food items and are they piled up in your refrigerator too? Let's have a look at the top ten worst foods to be stored in a household refrigerator.
Mayonnaise stands at the top of the list of the worst foods to be stored in a refrigerator. It is found in every household today. Eating two to three tablespoon of mayonnaise isn't bad for health, but it harms the body in several ways if it is consumed more than that. Each tablespoon of mayonnaise contains 10 grams of total fat, that means, 15.4% of total daily recommended intake; 1.5 grams of saturated fats, that is, 7.5% of the daily recommended intake; 5 milligrams of cholesterol, which is 1.7 percent of daily recommended cholesterol intake; and 90 milligrams of sodium, that is, 3.8% of the daily recommended intake. Eating too much mayonnaise can lead to serious heart diseases, strokes, excessively high blood pressure and similar complications. Mayonnaise can be replaced with barbeque sauce, mustard sauce or fresh taco salsa, which are healthier and contain lesser amounts of calories.
Soda and sweetened beverages like soft drinks, sports drinks and cola are found in every household in summers. They might be the first choice to quench thirst in hot days but they come loaded with plenty of calories, often with no nutrient contents. A recent study published in the May 2012 issue of American Journal of Nutrition states that those people who consume sweetened drinks and soda everyday are more prone to strokes than those who consume once or twice in a week. It also says that increased consumption of sweetened beverages causes diabetes, heart disease, obesity and high cholesterol. Soda and sweetened beverages can be replaced with chilled drinking water or fresh fruit juices, which not only hydrate the body but also add nutrients and help in losing weight.
The best option to drink alcoholic beverages is in the bar. People who stock beer and wine in their refrigerators are likelier to drink too much every day, resulting in alcohol abuse. Calories received from the alcohol are empty calories and cannot be utilized as energy. By drinking an 8 ounce glass of wine, the body receives 170 calories while a 12 ounce bottle of beer delivers 150 calories to the body. The liver has to work extra hard to break alcohol down into fatty acids, which accumulate in the liver.
Lunch meats such as deli cuts, ham and bologna come with loads of sodium, fats and sometimes preservatives like nitrates. These preservatives are linked with risks of colon cancer, states American Institute of Cancer Research. One serving of bologna comes with 300-480 milligrams of sodium, which comes with the risks of increased high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. Too much salt or sodium also increases the chances of water retention and bloating in the body causing weight-gain and obesity.
Hot dogs and sausages are the favorite option for quick lunch or dinner entree. They are a part of processed meat category and contain high amounts of sodium. Two servings of hot dogs or sausages contain 520-680 milligrams of sodium, 23 grams of total fat and 7 grams of saturated fat per serving. Studies say that processed meats can increase the risks of heart disease by 42% and diabetes by 19%. It is a better option to switch to lean meat which contain lower amounts of sodium such as poultry, pork, roasted beef and seafood like fishes, shrimps to name a few. Low-sodium and low-fat sausages and hot dogs are also available today in supermarkets, which could be a healthy alternative to those who love hotdogs and sausages in their meal.
Dairy products are rich in protein, calcium, vitamin B-12 and riboflavin but the whole milk products come with high amount of fats and cholesterol. Sixteen ounces of milk adds 1,905 calories, 105 grams of total fat and 315 milligrams of cholesterol in a week. Low-fat dairy products are the better option to go for instead whole milk products. They contain the same nutrients but come with lesser fat content. Low-fat dairy products are available as skim milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese and cream cheese
Stick butter and margarine come with high amounts of saturated fats, which make them more solid at room temperature. Margarine also contributes high amount of unhealthy trans fat to the body. Each tablespoon of margarine contains around 100 calories and 11 grams of fat, which is higher than butter. A better option would be switching to canola oil or olive oil for cooking purposes. Olive oil provides omega-3 fatty acids, which are very essential for a good health. A low-fat margarine with no trans fat or low amounts of trans and saturated fats is a better alternative for those who love margarine.
Gourmet ice cream or ice cream bars are very common in those households with children. Even a modest 1/2 cup size serving leads to overload of saturated fats, total fats and calories in the body. A serving of most vanilla ice creams contain 10% of butter fat, 160 calories and 9 grams of fat. The chocolate chip cookie ice creams contain around 270 calories, 14 grams of fat, 8 grams of saturated fat, 65 milligrams of cholesterol and around 25 grams of sugar. An alternative to such ice creams are low calorie ice creams which contain low amounts of calories, fats and cholesterol but are also great in taste. Ice creams made out of Greek yogurt with fresh fruits are a yummier and healthier alternative for ice cream lovers
Rich creamy salad dressings with whipped cream and mayonnaise taste delicious with lettuces and carrots, but they too are an unhealthy choice for food. There are 120 calories, 12 grams of fat, 2.5 grams of saturated fats and around 380 milligrams of sodium present in two tablespoon of salad dressing. This increases the levels of cholesterol and fats in the body and increases risks of heart disease, obesity, strokes and high blood pressure. Hence, lighter dressings like lemon juice and olive oil with spices and herbs are a healthier and better option to the creamy salad dressings
French fries are an integral part of fast food dishes. They are served with burgers, sandwiches, chicken or soda. Ready-to-bake frozen potato product bags are found in every house. Just 3 ounces serving of such potato products contain 8-11 grams of total fat, around 3 grams of saturated fats, 390-540 milligrams of sodium and around 160-190 calories. This risks the health of your heart and causes obesity. Unprocessed or baked potatoes are the healthier alternative to such processed potato fries as they are free from added fats but also provide all the nutrients of a potato such as carbohydrates.Low-fat or zero-fats French fries are also available in supermarkets nowadays