Frequently Asked Questions
1. Which doctor do I consult for pain and restricted movement at my hip?You need to consult an orthopedic surgeon.
2. My doctor has advised total hip replacement for my arthritis. Is surgery really necessary?
It depends on how much your quality of life is being compromised as this is not a life threatening situation. If you are able to carry on with your routine activities and the pain is not seriously disrupting your life, you could probably delay the surgery. You also need to make certain modifications in your lifestyle that your doctor recommends.
3. How long does a new hip typically last?
A new hip should allow virtually normal, pain-free activity for many years. Usually cemented hips last for 20 years on an average.
4. How long has hip replacement surgery been there as a treatment option for damaged hips?
Over 7 decades. In 1940, the first metallic hip replacement was performed at Columbia Hospital in South Carolina by an American surgeon, Dr Austin Moore.
5. Which is better- cemented or un-cemented prostheses?
Generally cemented prostheses are used more often in older, less active people and people with weak bones, while uncemented prostheses are more often used in younger, more active people.
Both have fairly equal success rates. The major demerit of uncemented prostheses is the extended recovery period with more limitation of activities. Thigh pain is seen more with cemented prostheses.
6. I have undergone total hip replacement. What exercises can I safely continue?
Proper exercise is necessary to reduce stiffness and increase flexibility and muscle strength. You need to follow the prescribed exercise regimen for the recommended duration. These are considered to be safe.
Many doctors advise against high-impact activities, such as basketball, jogging, and tennis. These activities can damage the new hip or cause loosening of its parts. Avoid exercises with high risk of falling such as skiing.
Some recommended exercises include walking, stationary bicycling, swimming and golf.
7. How much does a total hip replacement surgery cost?
The average cost of a total hip replacement in 2012 was $40,364 in the United States, and about $7,700 to $12,000 in most European countries. In India it costs between Rs.3 lacs to 6 lacs depending on the hospital.