What are the Risks and Complications of Stapedectomy?
Some of the complications of stapedectomy include the following:
- Anesthesia Complications: Risk of complications associated with anesthesia can arise, which should be discussed with the anesthetist
- Postoperative Infections: These are common and are usually treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics
- Bleeding: This can occur during or after surgery. Bleeding is treated by finding the source and cauterizing it
- Eardrum Damage: This can result in perforation of the eardrum which may require another surgery
- Deafness: Persistent deafness after surgery may be experienced, which may occur if the implant slips out of place, often requiring corrective surgery
- Facial Weakness: This may be experienced for a few days after the surgery
- Tinnitus: This is a persistent ringing or buzzing sensation in the ears. It usually improves after surgery, but may worsen in rare cases
- Dizziness: A dizzy feeling or unsteadiness in gait may be experienced for a few days after the surgery
- Dry Mouth: Dryness of the mouth and taste disturbances may occur for a few weeks after the surgery

- Fortunately, most of the complications are rare and can be readily managed.