
Varicocelectomy - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which doctor should I consult if I have a varicocele?

A urologist must be consulted in case of a varicocele.

2. What are treatment options are available for varicocele?

Supportive measures like wearing a snug underwear or a specially designed one provide relief from pain and discomfort. However, if the symptoms are too bothersome or cause infertility, surgery may be necessary. Besides varicocelectomy, varicocele embolization may be done to treat varicocele. During the procedure, a tube is usually inserted through a vein in the groin and is guided into the pampiniform plexus veins. The veins are then blocked with detachable coils or occlusive balloons, which cause the variococele to shrink.

3. Can varicocele be painful?

Usually, a varicocele is not painful though it may cause discomfort. However, it can cause pain after a prolonged period of sitting, standing or performing physical activity. The pain is relieved by lying down or with over-the-counter pain medications.

4. What are varices of scrotum?

Varices of scrotum or scrotal varices are other terms used to refer to varicocele.

5. Why is a varicocele more common on the left side?

Varicoceles are more commonly seen on the left due to the anatomical difference of veins on both the sides. The spermatic vein on the right side enters the inferior vena cava at an acute angle while the left spermatic vein enters the left renal vein at a right angle. This results in an increased pressure in the vein on the left which is further transferred to the pampiniform plexus of the same side. It results in enlargement of the smaller veins in the lowermost part of the scrotum, resulting in varicocele formation.

6. Can a varicocele recur after surgery?

Yes, varicocele may recur after surgery in some cases.
