Vitrectomy Surgery

Vitrectomy Surgery - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which doctor should I consult for undergoing vitrectomy surgery?

You should consult an ophthalmologist and one who is trained and skilled in doing the procedure.

2. How long will the vitrectomy procedure take?

The duration depends on the condition that you have. For uncomplicated retinal detachment or epiretinal membrane, it may take less than an hour. If a lens has to be removed or scar tissue has to be removed, the procedure may take upto three hours or more.

3. How long should head positiong be followed if a silicone or gas bubble is injected?

The duration again varies for each patient. If retinal tears have been repaired the bubble helps to keep the tear closed and maintain the position of the retina while the retina heals. The doctor will tell you when it is safe to discontinue this position.

4. What other precautions must one follow after injection of gas in the eye?

Flying should be avoided as the low cabin pressure can cause the gas to expand and raise the intraocular pressure to dangerous levels. During recovery, if the patient needs surgery for some other reason nitrous oxide anesthesia should be avoided. It is advisable for the patient to wear a wrist band for six weeks after vitrectomy informing that there is a bubble in the eye. Patients with silicone oil do not have these restrictions.

5. Can I lose vision following vitrectomy?

Most vitrectomy surgeries are successful. However in a small proportion of cases, the initial retinal disease might be severe and progressive resulting in vision loss despite surgery. Very rarely complications of surgery may cause loss of vision.
It is best to weigh the risks of surgery against the benefits before opting for the procedure.

6. What are vitreous floaters?

Undissolved vitreous gel fibers clump together and cast a shadow on the retina which appears as floaters.

7. Do all floaters require vitrectomy?

Most floaters do not require surgery. They usually settle down and do not affect vision. If floaters are numerous and affect vision, vitrectomy may be necessary where the vitreous gel is removed and replaced with saline.

8. What is vitrectomy recovery equipment?

The vitrectomy recovery equipment ensures that the proper head position is maintained after surgery and helps you to stay comfortable. Discuss with your doctor regarding its benefit post-surgery.











