Smart Meal Choices for Diabetes Management

Sample Diabetic Diet Plan

You can plan your diet choices following this sample diet plan for diabetes management.

Divide Your Plate

Divide your plate into 2 halves fill one half with non-starchy vegetables like leafy greens, carrots, and tomatoes.

Divide the Other Half into 2

Fill 1/4 with protein-rich foods and other 1/4 with whole grains.

Protein Choice

Lean meats, fish, tofu, cottage cheese. Focus on lean protein rather than other proteins .

Health Dairy and Fruits

Add a serving of low-fat, sugar-free yoghurt or milk. Enjoy fresh fruits like guava, apples or citrus fruit .

Preparation Tips

Avoid fried foods. Bake, boil or saute your foods. Choose fresh over canned foods.

Smart Snacking

Enjoy almonds and walnuts rich in monounsaturated fats. Swap soda with water, buttermilk or unsweetened soy milk.

Increase Fibre

Include whole grains, fruits, vegetables and cereals.

Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Avoid skipping meals and follow medication time. Quit smoking and limit alcohol.

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