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Types of Yoga
Yoga exercises helps in increased our strength, Yoga also helps clear the mind and distress using meditation. The benefits of yoga are numerous.
Yoga Teacher Training India
apoorvayoga - India12/23/2015

Yoga and Eye Sight
Hello m 26 yr old I am student of compititer eye power is -5.00 on right and -4.50 on left.. To remove this no. From yoga plzz help me.
suman108 - India10/17/2015

The Essence of Yoga
kamalsinghrk - India9/14/2015

The Essence of Yoga
ACtually ver iz yoga origined????????
sheje123 - India6/23/2015

The Essence of Yoga
yoga iz very relaxing try it every one
sheje123 - India6/23/2015

Origin of Yoga
For a long time, scholars thought that Harappan civilization was abruptly destroyed by invaders from the northwest who called themselves Aryans [ârya meaning “noble” in the Sanskrit language]. Some proposed that these warlike nomads invented Yoga, others credited the Indus people with its creation. Yet others took Yoga to be the joint creation of both races.
Nowadays researchers increasingly favor a completely different picture of ancient Indian history. They are coming to the conclusion that there never was an Aryan invasion and that the decline of the Indus-Sarasvati cities was due to dramatic changes in climate. These in turn appear to have been caused by a major tectonic catastrophe changing the course of rivers. In particular, it led to the drying up of what was once India’s largest river, the Sarasvati, along whose banks flourished numerous towns and villages (some 2500 sites have been identified thus far). Today the dry river bed runs through the vast Thar Desert. If it were not for satellite photography, we would not have learned about those many settlements buried under the sand.
The drying up of the Sarasvati River, which was complete by around 1900 B.C., had far-reaching consequences.The death of the Sarasvati River forced the population to migrate to more fertile parts of the country, especially east toward the Ganges (Ganga) River and south into Central India and Tamilnadu.
The Sarasvati River happens to be the most celebrated river in the Rig-Veda, which is the oldest known text in any Indo-European language. It is composed in an archaic form of Sanskrit and was transmitted by word of mouth for numerous generations. Sanskrit is the language in which most Yoga scriptures are written. If the Sarasvati River dried up around or before 1900 B.C., the Rig-Veda must be earlier than that benchmark date. If that is so, then the composers of this collection of hymns must have been contemporaneous with the people of the Indus civilization, which flourished between circa 3000-1900 B.C. Indeed, astronomical references in the Rig-Veda suggest that at least some of its 1,028 hymns were composed in the third or even fourth millennium B.C.
rnmisra - India6/12/2015

Types of Yoga
apoorvayoga - India6/1/2015

Types of Yoga
nice blog
join Yoga Teacher Training India
apoorvayoga - India6/1/2015

Yoga and Eye Sight
aditya111 - India4/3/2015

The Essence of Yoga
Yoga can help you Improves Blood Circulation, Decreases stress, glow shining on face, weight lose and personal fitness. Yoga help in both Physical Health and Mental Health.
Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh
apoorvayoga - India4/1/2015
